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Mirathmor Duin

Decahame   The decahame is the main floor of Mirathmor Duin, containing four distinct districts, those more likely to be visited by surfacers are closest to the entrance, Dwarves guard they secrets jealously and a pass is needed to enter the Religious or Craftsman’s District. The Trade and Domestic district are readily accessible to visitors. It is carved from the very mountain itself, it’s buildings are formed of a rich obsidian, possibly the reason for the Dwarves building a home in the mountain rather than the others.   Its construction has lead to it possessing ten sides, leading to its name Decahame – Ten-Sided Home. Molten rock pours in from a remaining aspect of the mountain, behind the Crucible, leaking down into the gorge surround it. This perpetual flow of lava keeps the Decahame permanently illuminated.   Halls of the Five   The Dwarves five Paragons, those that took the Oath and gifted their race something legendary, have large, ornate statues here. Celebrated and venerated, these are the first thing visitors would see, as the dwarves wish to showcase their race’s greatest heroes.   The Crucible   The bridge leading up to the Crucible is not guarded, but a few rat-like humanoids scamper and chitter over the walkway heading into a massive, square building with a large, open portcullis for an entryway. The building itself it simple cut from obsidian, unremarkable by dwarven standards bar the cascading lava the flows from the outcropping behind it, into the chasm surround it.   The Crucible is an arena, training grounds and honour grounds. It serves many purposes for the dwarves of Mirathmor Duin but all of them pertain to combat. A large, multi-levelled arena fills the centre with ramparts housing seats and boxes for audience members, this seems to serve as the entertainment of Mirathmor Duin. Annexed to this centre arena are several chambers that serve as staging areas for the combatants, with various weapons and armour decorating each room. The main chamber is the entryway, all rooms annex from this as well as the main thoroughfare into the arena. In this thoroughfare are two corridors, one leading up, the one to the seats, and one leading down, into the arena itself. Windows showcase the centre chamber from the entryway, revealing a cursory glance at the inner-workings of this square building.   Merchant’s District   The merchant’s district is self-explanatory, this is where trade is conducted. Several shops are carved from the rockface and carts line the perimeter, laden with goods. Several statues representing houses stand proud and ornate outside each of the shops, the statues represent the merchant’s skill, wealth and stature, the larger and more ornate the statue is, the greater the merchant’s prestige. Owning a building here is also a great honour, it means you are recognised as an exceptional purveyor of goods. Those that aren’t recognised by the ruling council have carts and stalls to hawk their wares.   Religious District   This district comprises of the High Kings abode, as well as the members of the ruling council. It also houses the Shapers, those that are responsible for documenting those that have taken the oath, the deeds of their paragons and of reclaiming lost history and locations of abandoned Thaigs. The architecture here is ornate and dominating, slightly elevated from the other districts, it is guarded by an obsidian gateway, where all others are stone. This gateway is nigh-on impervious to all physical means of breaking it.   Domestic District   Crammed with abodes, this district houses the populace of Mirathmor Duin. The houses themselves are all square buildings, two-tiered, each being a separate abode. They are organised and optimise the space within the district, lacking the ornamentation of most other buildings within the Decahame, it is clear that their occupants are pragmatic people are save the ornamentation for where it best serves their purposes.   Craftsman’s District   The great forges of the district are without equal, ventilation shafts reach up out of each into the rock above, removing any potentially harmful gasses from the dwarven city. Kilns and troughs litter the area, a feeling of comradery is evident, lacking any distinction in territory, seeming that each craftsman shares his wares and tolls with others of his race for the simple joy of creation. A single building lives in this district, a great hall to house the craftsmen, each with it’s own dormitory, it is embellished with several creations of the occupants.   Military Quarters   Exactly what you would expect of a dwarven military district, regimented, organised and pragmatic. Bunks are simple, with a trunk at the end of each and a rack for weapons and armour. The mess hall is simple, outfitted with several large, square, stone tables. Ceramic plates and simple metal cutlery occupy each table, alongside a pitcher and clay tankards. The kitchens rival the forges with their ovens, each with ventilation shafts reaching out of them to clear any harmful smoke. The officer quarters are more lavishly decorated than the regular bunks, larger beds, bookcases and several maps litter the room. The armoury holds a plethora of weapons and shields, alongside several training dummies, simple, Concise, efficient, they are lined in such a way that soldiers would filter through the armory, single file in two groups and equip themselves in one continuous run towards the staging area.   The entryway to the staging area is decorated with only the same statues of the Paragons that decorate the Halls of the Five, soldiers amassing would touch whichever Paragon they venerated the most, for luck and a blessing.
Large city

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