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Remus - The Professional

I couldn't care less about your motives, your reasons and your ethics. You want the job done, expect to pay. It'll cost you, the standard price is quite literally my weight in coin. What do you get for such a fee? Only the finest mercenary on the market. Every job taken is a job completed. Now what do you need me to do?   Remus, an elf who flunked out of Bastion, possessing very little aptitude for magic, despite his heritage. Whilst his brother excelled, Remus looked towards other pursuits. A stain on his family's lineage, he struck out on his own, satisfying his baser instincts. Having taken a variety of jobs, scouting, tracking, acquisition, assassination, they all have one thing in common, a body count. His supernatural reflexes are his greatest asset and he seldom misses the opportunity to prove it. Discarding his family name, he would be second to nobody.   Few know what firearms are, and even fewer are able to obtain and wield them. Remus falls into these few, Bastion was a great resource if not a place of study. Having 'befriended' an apprentice artificier whilst there, Remus 'convinced' him to create a pair of firearms, to be used in tandem. Primus & Secundas were born into this world, the apprentice's Magnum Opus, one that would have catapulted him into the upper eschelons of the Academy as they were truly a technological marvel. It's a shame then, that an 'unfortunate' accident saw the workshop go up in flames, a screaming artificer at the epicentre of the inferno.
Remus & Secundas   A majestic creation, these firearms behave like none of their ilk. Master craftsmanship that will likely never be repeated. Harnassing arcane energies, Primus & Secundas propel this energy forward, never missing their mark. No messy ammunition or reloading to slow the wielder down.

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