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Status Quo - Provinces

Hakkon’s Spine covers the Northern most parts of any map of Veratus, providing a welcome barrier form the horrors that lurk within the Drakwald, a derelict, frozen husk of landmass that carrels within it many unsavory denizens, be they humanoids or monstrous abominations. Ancient ruinous powers also lurk here, be they entities of old or newborn hordes that seek nothing more than the end of days. It is also rumored that within the Drakwald, a passage to the lower planes resides, which would go some way to explaining the constant stream of horrors spewed forth from its depths.   Most of the communities, nations, and governments of the North can be grouped into four categories: the cities and towns that are members of The Empire, the dwarfholds that have been built throughout the area, the island kingdoms off the coast and the independent provinces scattered across the Northern Frontier.   The Empire   With it’s base at The Citadel, an impressive fortress that houses the Seat of the Emperor, making it the center of all the civilized land. It from here that Bastian von Eilrich rules over Veratus, dispensing his edicts that carry his will to all corners of his empire. It is through great pains that Bastian von Eilrich has united Veratus, signing treaties and pacts to unite the warring kinsmen of the land, absorbing them into a greater whole that makes up the Empire.   The Citadel itself is a magical fortress that follows the will of its owner, it is through the use of the Citadel that Bastian could form his empire. Its origin is unknown, lost to the annals of time and history, it brings with it its own supply of troops to guard the fortress, such an impressive construct has yet to be penetrated and theory holds that should the Empire’s seat be taken from under him, his hold on Veratus will diminish rapidly. The focal point of civilization within Veratus, The Empire’s laws are the default, attempting to be impartial and realistic it tries to provide justice for all, however in doing so, isn’t as effective as most would like.   The ruler, Emperor Bastian von Eilrich, is a mysterious figure that is steeped in strange tales that seem to exaggerate his prowess and tactical acumen. A recluse, he is never seen and dwells within his magical fortress, The Citadel, one thing is agreed, he clearly is a person of immense magical aptitude as his edicts carry with them the righteous force of their creator, laying waste or irrevocably transforming the world upon their completion.   Dwarfholds   The Dwarfholds of Veratus have fallen into decline, no longer able to span the depth and breadth of their em-pire, the Dwarves have pulled back to three remaining bastions of their race; Organzanar, Landroknar and Karak Kazrar. The machinations of those “Below” has wrought destruction upon their race, unable to fight wars from all sides after digging too deep, they pulled back to the great Thaigs of old in the hopes of outlasting the blight from beneath the earth.   These three great Thaigs, once rivals in a bid for supremacy in wealth and power, have now formed an uneasy alliance to try and tie together their dwindling race, old grudges die hard however.   Islanders   Primarily consisting of the Ceicil Isles, the island kingdoms have remained independent of all major powers, priding themselves on a society and culture that em-powers those with the impetus and drive to take what they want. They also pride themselves on freedom, the freedom to do what they please, when the please and as such no sovereignty rules over the Isles, it’s more of a council of those that live and breathe these principles, be they pirates, crafty halflings or frightening evokers.   Independent Provinces   There are those within Veratus, who either never succumbed to the indominatable will of the Emperor or are so far removed from the center of it that they are tied by words alone and nothing else. These Kingdoms and settlements rule themselves, often having their own laws and justice system and own little societal nuances that differ drastically to the rest of those on the continent. Some see these places as bastions of freedom and adventure, where others see the oppressive chains of the Empire replaced only by another’s.   Nevarria falls into this, being in the far-flung corner of the Empire, they are very far removed from the cohorts of the Citadel and has become a unique province with its own cultural biases and facets that make it a place bursting with opportunity and wealth however with its proximity to the Drakwald and controlling the only main way in or out of the mainland, they are susceptible to the dark machinations and plots of those from the other side of the Spine.
Geopolitical, Empire

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