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Veratus, a land of diversity, how I long explore its every nook and cranny. From the snow, peaked heights of Hakkon’s Spine to the barren, sand swept lands of Zir and the enchanted glade of the Silverwood, beauty can be found in all its facets and distant locales. Don’t be fooled however, each cranny contains within it a deadly creature more than able to capitalize upon the foolhardy vagrants that wander into their domain.   -Avery, Lamentations of an Elven Outcast   A great deal of adventure is to be had in Veratus, for those willing to seek it out. The routes between cities and nations often cross into the territory of brigands or marauding monsters of indiscriminate size waiting to find a worthy addition to their banquet. Every forest, swamp, and mountain range have its own perils, whether lurking bandits, savage ores and goblinoids, or mighty creatures such as giants and dragons. Elven ruins dot the landscape and the caverns that wind beneath the surface. In these places, treasures of every living race- and several dead ones - wait for adventurers intrepid enough to come and claim them.   Veratus is filled with rich history and wondrous tales of adventure and magic, but the lifeblood of its common people is agriculture and trade. Most rural folk depends upon farming to eat, and Veratians who live in cities ply skilled trades or use brawn to earn their keep, so they can purchase the goods and food provided by others. Gossip and tales are carried between population centres by caravans and ships that bring in supplies for trade and by traveling bards and minstrels who recount (or invent) stories to inform and entertain people in taverns, inns, and castles. Adventurers also spread news whilst also creating it!   The common folk of Veratus look on adventurers with a mixture of admiration, envy, and mistrust. Folk believe that any stalwarts willing to risk their lives on behalf of complete strangers should be lauded and rewarded. But such adventurers, if they become successful, amass wealth and personal status at a rate that some people find alarming. Even people who admire these adventurers for their vigour and their acts of valour might have misgivings: what horrors will be unleashed if adventurers, heedless or unknowing of the danger, unlock a ruin or a tomb and release an ancient evil into the world?   Most of the people who populate the continent have little or no knowledge of lands outside Veratus. The most educated among the populace agree that Veratus is but one continent and that Theas is the whole of the world, but for most people, who don't experience intercontinental travel or extraplanar exploration, "Veratus" is more than large enough of a concept for them to comprehend.

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