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The King’s Revels

These small boats are used only in the greatest festivals of Avium; the crowning of a new lord, the birth of an heir, a great military success, etc. These small ships are designed and built by the lords crafters for the specific event and are deconstructed the following days. Only one of the revels is kept for future ceremonies, to remind the common folk of all the good their lord has brought them in the past. When a Lord of Avium dies, the Revel ships that showcase his successful life, are used as wood for his funeral pyre.     
"Lanterns begin to illuminate the banks of the winding river, as the common folk of Avium wait. Laughter, shouts, and gossip line the shores as children chase small amphibious creatures and adults share spiked drinks and stories. As the sun begins to disappear over the horizon, a sudden hush befalls the crowds, every set of eyes looks down river in anticipation.    "As if on cue, the moment the sun's rays have died out, a light appears up stream. Cheers erupt on the banks as a collection of lantern lit boats begin their journey down the river. Each vessel represents a different faze of life, with the King's Birth Ceremony boat at the start the procession. After his birth vessel comes many more one-of-a-kind ships, one to represent his crowning, his first son's birth, his greatest achievements both military and economic. Through this, the people of Avium are reminded of the greatness of their king, and all the good he has given them.    "As the King's Revels begin to drive closer to the banks, small packages are thrown to those on the shore line. Cloth bags containing rare spices, coin, trinkets, and grains, are gifted to those who have come to celebrate their king. But no panic breaks out. Not one of the common folk fight over their revels, for there is always more than enough to be shared. Through the night of celebration, the people of Avium watch the successful life of their king and receive his many gifts." - Menelion Scholar

Communication Tools & Systems

Utilizing hand signals and phrases, Gifters and Drivers are able to create complex turns, switches, and patterns in the water a show of control and performance for those on the shore lines.

Hangars & docked vessels

Only one newly crafted revel is kept for future ceremonies. It is carefully secured in the king's docks, guarded and far from outsider view.
The Revels, The Gifters,
Revels are destroyed after the festivities
Complement / Crew
1 sailer, 4 ‘gifters’
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
Gifts for the people of Avium; Spices, Coin, Food, Trinkets, Favors

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