Gathering on Discord

Click here to join our Discord server. Discord is a chat website where you can type to each other in groups. It's free but you'll need an email address to sign up. It's open 24/7. Say hello in the #welcome channel.

What is Discord?

Discord is a voice, video, and text chat app where you can type to each other privately, and also in groups. It's free to use but you will need an email address to sign up. You can use a pseudonym, a character name, or your real name: the shorter, the better.  

Do I need special software?

No. You can sign into it using a normal browser. It does have an app that you can click here to download if you like, but you don't have to use that.  

How do I find The Copenhagen Interpretation server?

Click here and accept the invitation that pops up which will bring you straight to the welcome part of our server. On the left of your screen you should find a list of channels, and you're looking for one called #welcome. Click on that name and type a hello to us. If anyone is online, they will pop up and say hello.  

What happens on Discord?

People chat about the project in general, and about specific events or aspects of the project. Some of us might play characters in a text-based way, and talk about those characters. If you haven't roleplayed before, it's fairly easy to pick up how, and we're happy to help out. It's not all text-based. We can also audio chat on Discord, as characters or just as ourselves.  

Content warnings

If your character is about to speak of something others might find difficult and/or want to avoid, please give considered content warnings in advance wherever possible. If a subject unexpectedly arises whilst playing characters, it is good practice to pause and check in with everyone present, to make sure all are comfortable continuing. Even if everyone seems to be comfortable, some may not be able to express their discomfort. Therefore, please always be sparse with the amount of detail you use in your roleplay, graphic or otherwise, around subjects that may be sensitive.   There may be foul language and oaths, but we will not tolerate anything that we deem to be discriminatory. Online players must be at least 18 years old to join us because we cannot guarantee that there will never be any mature references.  

Uncomfortable moments

We expect all participants to have continuous regard for the comfort of others. If you encounter something that makes you feel uncomfortable, please communicate that to us in whatever way is easiest for you: in a Discord channel or privately to someone you feel comfortable talking to about it. Together we'll figure out the best way to help you feel comfortable enough again - which might be something we can do collectively, or something you need to do for yourself.  

Player/character separation

Any characters played on Discord should not be confused or conflated with the player and their opinions or beliefs. Players experiencing strong emotional reactions whilst playing characters are encouraged to talk to other players out of character, and/or step back and take a break to gain separation.

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