This is the map of Gwaren, though this does not detail the Undercity.
1) The Grove
A large memorial to all those rebels whose lives were cut short by the Ferelden Rebellions. The Templar Headquarters tower closely by.
2) Clearbank
Mostly a residential district for middle-class citizens (smiths, some dockworkers, clergy folk, non-travelling merchants). Not a lot of shops here, more common to find necessity things here (clothes, general stores, food).
3) Copper Gate (informally known as Highrock District)
A mix of residential (as you descend down the cliff sides and come closer to the gates) and farm/ranch land on the Northern end.
4) Castle Town
Castle Town is the highest, most up-scale district in Gwaren. No citizens are restricted from entry, but only really the upper to upper-middle class citizens come here regularly or live here. It is not unheard of for the less wealthy to have special occasions and splurge on the latest designs and fashions. Fort Reville looms overhead where Teyrn Adrian Black and the city-guard run the city.
5) Firdes's Bridge
When people want to enjoy themselves, they’ll go to Firdes’ Bridge. Along the streets, artisans can be seen painting, performing tricks, and singing songs. A plethora of restaurants with tons of variety have cropped up due to foreigners setting up shop in Gwaren. There’s also a lot of historical significance here.
6) Smithsdocks (informally known as the Borough)
The physical laborers of Gwaren spend their days here, perfecting their craft. Many storefronts can be found here. Ships also dock on the southern tip of the district and move their merchandise through the district.
7) Duskshade
Those poor citizens who at least have a proper job/enough to sustain themselves find themselves here. It’s a place poor citizens of Gwaren go to live without fear of thugs like in Chardocks. Guards patrol these areas and keep the streets relatively safe at night. Most of the houses here are large buildings where many people/families live together.
8) Chardocks
The district where undesirables can be found. You’ll find two sorts of people here: the poorest of the poor (basically living on the edges of the cliffs/tents along the water) or thugs/crude mercenaries. A fire burned down this entire district during the First Battle for Gwaren and it’s never recovered since.
The closest thing Gwaren has to an alienage. Though it is located mostly under Gwaren's foundation, it's not a bad place all things considered (at least to other alienages). City elves live down here. Rarely do the city guards travel down here.