Character Creation

Character creation for player characters in campaigns set on the continent of Theia follow a few rules. They are listed below.

The Golden Rules

All players must submit to three important rules when creating a character.
  1. Your character has to be an adventurer.

  2. Your character has to be a teamplayer.

  3. Your character can't participate in pvp.1

Create a General Concept

The first thing a player wanting to play in any campaign should do is think about a general concept for the character they want to play as. This can be a simple one sentence idea like "I want to play a big tanky guy." or an elaborate concept like "I want to play as a nimble elven rogue, who specializes in assassination and stealth. They aren't evil but need the gold from their contracts to support their sick sibling who needs constant magical treatment to stay alive. Eventually they want to find a cure to this and therefore started a life as an adventurer."
No matter how simple or complex your concept may be, think about some things that you yourself want to roleplay, achieve and experience in the campaign and think about how you can build your character to fit these goals.
The goal of this step is not to create a page long backstory, this can be done at the very end. The focus here should be to give you a broad and general concept that you can use as guidance for your decisions in the following steps of character creation. Don't be afraid of changing some (or even all) aspects of your general concept, if you think of something that might fir the campaign better or could end up more fun for you and everyone else at the table.

Select a Starting Ability Score Allocation

There are 3 acceptable methods of stat array generation. The easiest method is to simply select from one of four standard arrays. You may always revert to using a standard array after attempting either rolling method.

Standard Arrays

  • Standard: 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 10 / 8
  • Specialist: 17 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 11 / 8
  • Mad Man: 15 / 15 / 14 / 10 / 10 / 8
  • The Jack: 13 / 13 / 12 / 12 / 12 / 10

Fate Dice

Roll 6 dice. They can be any mix of d4, d6 and d8s. Each attribute starts at 12. Each die result will add to a single stat and subtract from a different stat. All six rolled die will be used as both a positive and negative modifier. If you want a random array, decide the stats each die will modify before rolling.  

Wild Dice

Start with a pool of 24d6. Roll them all. Starting with 8, add +1 for each occurance of die values based on the table below. You may select 1 value to be a wild card. The corresponding stat is fixed at 8; however, you may add the wild +1s to any stat, up to a value of 18. Alternatively, you may roll 30d6 and start each stat at 6.
Die Value Attribute

Select a Race

See the sidebar to the right to identify the status of each race in Theia. These can be changed to fit the nature of your individual character.

Special Rules

  • Pay attention to race rarity. It can become a dominant feature of your character.
  • Do not pay attention to the racial attribute gains listed in the RAW text.
  • Your character must be of an appropriate age for the race you select.
  • Player characters must be adults.
  • Racial Attribute Gains

    Ignore the attributes assigned by WOTC to your character's race. You may move them to any attributes. For example, if a race gives +2 DEX and +1 WIS, could choose to flip them (E.g. +2 WIS, +1 DEX) or you could choose to move one of the gains to another attribute(E.g. +2 STR, +1 WIS) or both to new attributes (E.g. +2 CHA, +1 CON). This rule can also be applied to negative attribute changes. For example, the original PHB Orc received a -2 to INT. This could be used as your one move to give -2 to a different attribute.

    Select a Class

    Select any class and subclass from RAW sources. Unearthed Arcana and other homebrew material will be judged on a case by case basis.


    Some classes (Artificer) and subclasses (Gunslinger) offer proficiency with guns. With the high proliferation of magic in Theia, guns just don't exist. A few artifacts originating from other planes may exist; however, they are extremely rare.

    Select a Feat

    All characters gain a feat at level 1. This is why variant human is not an allowed choice.

    Select an Alignment

    Just kidding. I don't care. Just don't be evil in a story about heroes.

    Select a Background

    Backgrounds reflect the life your character lived before gaining their first level in a class. There are many homebrew choices that can be used to fit the story you have in mind.

    Establish Character Aspects

    Every character in Theia has various different Character Aspects, that describe them, their personality, their believes and their relations with others. Aspects are a culmination of many different factors that make up your character, packed together into small snippets of information; single sentences or maybe just a few words, that convey what needs to be known about that aspect of your character.
    When creating your character, determine the following aspects for your character:
    • 2 Personality Traits
    • 1 Ideal
    • 1 Bond
    • 1 Flaw
    • Favored Deity (if any)
    You are not bound to the prebuilt lists that are offered with Backgrounds. You may create your own as needed.


    WORK IN PROGRESS! Theia has its own Pantheon that is common among most of it's inhabitants. While some heretics may have their own beliefs, espousing them could bring a character much trouble. See below to learn more about each deity in the Theian Pantheon. This Pantheon is incomplete and may be expanded as needed for character, world building or story needs.

    Major Deities

    Minor Deities

    Heroes and Demigods


    Select Known Languages

    Localized languages have been retconned. Use the standard language lists. Characters start with their local language. Additional language selections can be gained via background and class options. These choices can be found in the sidebar to the right. Selection of Exotic or Forgotten languages requires a good story based reason for gaining them. Secret languages require a specific feature offering them as an option. If you are using D&D Beyond, you will have to just ignore the selection dropdowns and manually add languages to your character sheet.

    Bonus Choices

    At level 1, gain intelligence skill proficiencies or languages equal to the character's INT modifier with a minimum of zero and a maximum of two.

    Select Starting Equipment

    Level Additional Wealth Additional Items
    1-4 normal starting gold normal starting equipment
    5-10 1d10x25 + 500 GP normal starting equipment
    one uncommon magic item
    11-16 1d10x250 + 5,000 GP normal starting equipment
    three uncommon magic items
    one rare item
    17+ 1d10x250 + 20,000 GP normal starting equipment
    three uncommon magic items
    two rare items
    one very rare item

    Join a Faction (optional)

    Factions are organizations in Theia run by important NPCs (and sometimes players). They provide a structure through which players can interact with the world. Each is a unique entity which provides, benefits for joining at character creation: including tool proficiencies, additional starting equipment, and potentially greater options. When you create your character you can choose to either start in a faction or be factionless. You can further read about faction here or via the list below. You can also find a complete list of available factions and their individual articles in Factions Category. Through their adventures and the course of a campaign, a character might rise through the ranks of his factions or lose their favor, they might leave a faction to join another or become factionless. All of these events should become narrative points of the plot and provide meaningful development for the character.

    Create Your Backstory

    Now that you've outlined the basic mechanical implications of your character it is time to take all this information and form a coherent backstory from it. As a rule of thumb your backstory should at least briefly mention all things from your character sheet that have a narrative implication, like Race, Class, Origin, Suborigin, Bonds, Faith, Factions and things like that, but also include some further details, even if it doesn't hold any mechanical weight. The more detailed your backstory is, and the more characters, past events and opportunities for character development and growth you include, the better it is. But don't try to fill out every little detail, and don't resolve every conflict, as purposefully leaving some things open, uncertain or blank can provide your DM with great opportunities to weave your character's backstory into the campaign. If you're uncertain about some things, don't know if your backstory might fit the established lore, or want to include some canonical events or characters into your backstory, work with your DM to determine the details.  
    To create a valid and viable character to play in the world of Theia you should follow the rules below. The rules are split into the following sections, which you should go through in order.

    Allowed Races


    These races are common in Theia. You should expect very little race based resistance with characters of these types.
    • Dwarf
    • Elf
    • Gnome
    • Half-Elf
    • Halfling
    • Human (No Variant)


    These races are notably uncivilized by common standards. This isn't a reflection on individuals; however, characters of these races should expect significant resistance to their presence, especially in settlements.
    • Bugbear
    • Firbolg
    • Goblin
    • Goliath
    • Hobgoblin
    • Kenku
    • Kobold
    • Lizardfolk
    • Orc


    These races are not typical; however, are occasionally seen. These characters would be an oddity and are unlikely to encounter many others of their race beyond their own family.
    • Aasimar
    • Changeling
    • Dragonborn
    • Genasi
    • Half-Orc
    • Tiefling

    Rare (Requires Approval)

    These races are incrediblly rare. They typically don't exist on this plane and are considered outsiders or monsterous. These characters should expect to be the center of attention in nearly all situations.
    • Aarakocra
    • Centaur
    • Fairy
    • Gith
    • Grung
    • Harengon
    • Kalashtar
    • Leonin
    • Locathah
    • Loxodon
    • Minotaur
    • Owlin
    • Shifter
    • Simic Hybrid
    • Stayr
    • Tabaxi
    • Tortle
    • Triton
    • Vedalken
    • Verdan
    • Warforged
    • Yuan-ti

    Languages of Theia


    These languages are aquired based on a character's home realm.
    • Kehtan (Azorus Kingdom)
    • Kulwiti (Qocia Tribunal)
    • Miisan (Wodo Empire)
    • Ol'a (Avallonè)
    • Ridfi (Blackreach)
    • Solpan (Sud Coalition)
    • Yashme (Kintis Republic)
    • Aurean (Aurea Islands)
    • Chuga (Eastern Barbarians)
    • Domdoian (Maelhold)
    • Kiiyan (Ardenfell)


    These languages are rarely spoken by mortals or originate from another plane. Knowledge of these languages are unusal and require a special circumstance to learn.
    • Abyssal (Demons)
    • Celestial (Celestials)
    • Draconic (Dragons)
    • Deep Speech (Aboleths)
    • Infernal (Devils)
    • Primordial (Elementals)
    • Sylvan (Fey)


    These languages are trade secrets and can only be learned with the right experiences (background or class, etc).
    • Thieves Cant
    • Druidcraft


    These languages have been forgotten. It is unlikely anyone alive is conversational with these languages.
    • Arakokran
    1 When appropriate, this rule is relaxed for one shot characters.


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