Our Lady of the Rose

Leader: None
Faction Alignment: Neutral Good
Motivation: Worship of Deus
Goals: Peace in Theia
Methods: Healing and comfort to those in need
Allies: The White, The Scavengers
Rivals: The Black Wolves
HQ Location: Owlglow
Organizational Structure: Each convent is led by a Male friar. Typically the only other man in the organization is the friar's apprentice.
Description: Sisters of the Rose wear all-white, embroidered with their symbolic rose. During wartime, their white tents are a common sight on battlefields healing and comforting combatants from both sides of the battle. It is also not uncommon for the sisters to host treatise between the warring leaders as it is universally frowned upon to attack a sister of the rose for any reason. Membership typically consist of women desiring a life of servitude to others or desperate to escape whatever life they had previously.
Religious, Holy Order


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