Seyan Hamamura Character in Theliecre | World Anvil
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Seyan Hamamura

Seyan Hamamura is a character in Map of the Woods. He is Alli Hamamura's human equal and his title is The Gravedigger. He is also Nishiki and Akari's nephew, from their older brother.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Seyan is of average height and weight. He's surprisingly strong, as he does a lot of physical work. Otherwise, he appears rather pale and sleeps at odd hours.

Special abilities

Seyan is not a proficient magic user, but has nothing against people who are. Most of the symbols he uses involves heat magic, usually as a quick light source or to keep warm during the night, nothing major.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Seyan and Alli are both AFAB (assigned female at birth) but both identify as trans men. Seyan uses he/they pronouns.


Seyan currently runs The Graveyard with his brother Alli, who is The Funeral Director. Rumor has it that their father and his equivalent oversee the business and had Seyan and Alli open a new branch in Nueven. Seyan never confirms nor denies this. Regardless, he jokes about how caring for people at different stages of life runs in the family, as his aunts run the Nueven Foster Home.
In his mid 20s.
Dark brown
Often messy, chin length. It's dyed ginger.

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