Izaeyaranth Settlement in Theoma | World Anvil
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Where is Izaeyaranth?

Just north of the ever-springtime (but still frigid) Chotain and Sybanisk, Izaeyaranth is one of the more northern of the settled Missing theomes. The Tachanigh-Kelkaith traverses Izaeyaranth to Sanadir to the north of it.

Although Ia-Tinorta and Kimroduntversillak is little-visited, it is also notably northwest of Izaeyaranth.

How is Izaeyaranth classified?


What kind of population and economy does Izaeyaranth have?

Ostensibly a proud and independent city-state, the people of Izaeyaranth cluster around one small town with an overbuilt city hall. If they weren't mostly Swaivshon with an impressively integrated architectural style, there'd be nothing to notice about their city at all save that it's a stop along the trade route that connects Wraquo with the Tacha-nigh taiga region of Kelkaith. It's a rather small community.

As a well-trafficked and visible point of Swaivshon architecture, this is a common place for an unusual service to be bought: Swaivshon architects and laborers talented in the distinctive methods of Swaivshon construction can be hired away from Izaeyaranth to design and build in other theomes for people of very different communities. As they have a communal economy, the proceeds from such services are typically brought back to Izaeyaranth and distributed. This creates a somewhat odd appearance in the trade balance, as the people here have money 'for nothing' with little local industry in Izaeyaranth itself... it's not what it looks like. They study and practice to support each other. Away from the trade routes, several 'hollow towns' are in perpetual states of assembly and dismantlement as the local Swaivshon train their art. Despite a well-practiced talent at recycling construction materials that has been buoyed by faithful geomancers in the community, some of the merchants who transit this region are surprised at Izaeyaranth's appetite for construction materials.

There is some hunting of the local wildlife, but the ecology of Izaeyaranth is limited in its ability to provide for the people here. The only upside is that the lack of a land god means that there is a scarcity of magic in the local arctic wildlife (which makes the hunting substantially safe for dragons). The thing is, that safety has its own downside: there's a scarcity of rare materials here as well. Northern Kelkaith is known for its arcane forests and natural environments worth fighting with, but like most Missing theomes in northern Kelkaith, Izaeyaranth is at base a rather prosaic tundra.

Rumors of hidden necromantic activity in Izaeyaranth are in fact false. They're based on a misunderstanding of why the theome has so many half-constructed buildings in the wilderness.

Local Jewel
Omkainth and Ediveyrm

Fate Pressure
1/5 (Missing)


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