Pantheon Rooms Tradition / Ritual in Theoma | World Anvil
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Pantheon Rooms

What is a Pantheon Room?

A common room in every respectable household on Theoma, pantheon rooms hold personal shrines to lesser divinities (ordinary immortals of Theoma) and land gods. This is a room for worshipful contemplation of people who are not present, and it is commonly believed on Theoma that prayers uttered to the shrines in a pantheon room change the Fate of people over long-distances. This is true as long as one is not in a Missing theome, where only substantial enchantments placed upon the shrines can make it true. Pantheon rooms are typically kept locked when not in use, and it would be a major faux pas in architectural design to create a pantheon room designed for through-traffic.

Not having a pantheon room is one of the symptoms of poverty, though even poorer people often have a single personal shrine to a beloved relative or admired land god in a common room of their house.

See Personal Shrines for more information on this subject.


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