Praoziu and Nidrio Geographic Location in Theoma | World Anvil
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Praoziu and Nidrio

Where is Nidrio located?

Nidrio is east of Ornel and Relny, east as well of Lauvera and Denxalue, south of Ayadaro Forest, and in the mountains overlooking Jombip and Jenel. It is at the northeastern edge of the Zyrine cluster.

How is Nidrio classified?

Nidrio used to be classified as a Hostile theome, but in recent years there have been arguments that it should be reclassified as Negotiable or even Benevolent. Exploring Nidrio was once considered grievously bad luck, but the rate of lethal accidents has fallen to within sane margins after the marriage of the land god Praoziu with the lesser divinity Taisach.

What kind of population and economy does Nidrio have?

The low mountains of Nidrio rarely breach the snow line, and form a densely forested yet broken up terrain with dramatic cliffs. Praoziu tends her domain as a sacred forest still, maximizing the growth of trees and other plants especially. She remains hostile to development for the most part, but there are some very slowly growing outposts of her descendants and their loved ones.

What is Praoziu like?

Praoziu's avatar appears to be an unusual wingless dragon with cloven hooves and helical horns. Historically one of the few land gods of a Hostile theome ever sought out by geomancers without suicidal tendencies, she was once thought to be a killer who loved only the forest of her mountainous home.

Eventually, Praoziu met an unusual person in Taisach, who visited her forest without the intent of seeking anything from her as a geomancer, purely because he loved the forest of her mountainous home very nearly as much as she did. They courted over years of Taisach visiting regularly from a home in nearby Denxalue, and were eventually married. Since that luminous occasion, Praoziu has become convinced that lesser divinities can share her sense of beauty. The result of that has been Praoziu tentatively turning protective with the weave of Fate... though travelers ae still advised to leave only footprints in the forest.

Notable Individuals:

Local Jewel
Raul and Zyrine

Fate Pressure
3/5 (Wilderness protections)


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