Vashael Species in Theoma | World Anvil
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(Header image by Lesseras)

What is a Vashael?

Winged 3/4ths quadrupedal dragons often seen standing on two legs, Vashael can balance on their tail and hind legs enough to walk that way. There's no mistaking their forepaws as anything but hands thanks to this, but a fast-moving Vashael will still drop to all fours if they're not flying. In flight, Vashael are well-praised for their agility. All Vashael have earfins, and most (but not all) Vashael have prominent fins in other places as well.

What is the magical gift of the Vashael?

The air is never quite still around a Vashael. They have a natural (and restless) connection to the geomantic wind, which causes a swirl of air around them at all times. This interaction with wind makes them exceptional flyers as they have best-case air flows in all but the most turbulent weather.

Vashael wind mages are highly stereotypical. The difference between the magic that wind mages work for their career vs the magic that Vashael use by innate talent is a difference of degree, not a difference of kind. Some people think that wind magic was invented by Vashael who learned to teach their innate gift to people of other species.

Where do Vashael prefer to establish their settlements?

Vashael are famed for settling 'in the clouds', with overtall buildings accessed by concourse balconies in some regions, literally flying cities in others, and improbable architecture holding entire city streets off the ground in a few. Although ground level connections also exist for most Vashael cities, the amount of stair-climbing involved for groundside visitors varies from moderate (hoisted streets) to appalling (ascending to a flying city). The great spires built to connect flying cities with the ground are often visible from neighboring theomes.

It is profoundly unusual for a Vashael to be afraid of heights; the wind is a Vashael's friend from childhood until forever.

Additionally, there are some Vashael anywhere that is not prohibitive to them. They are simply abundant on Theoma.

The majority of sapients on Theoma are dragons. Ageless, beautiful, and in this place at least, quite peaceful. The majority of dragons on Theoma are Vrash or Vashael. Vashael can use wind insulation to resist cold and are more common in the cold northern regions.
by Laanuei

Cover image: by Lesseras


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