Armauk the Dragon Bear

Armauk is the Dragon Bear of Spilled Blood, Greed and Domination. When you have a problem that persists so consistently that the only way to fix it is to spill blood, then you are gaining favor with Armauk knowingly or not. When something just isn't enough for you, and the need for more arises. Then you take what's rightfully deserved, all of it. Then you are sure to win his favor, and when one has chosen to rule with a firm hand and be a commanding voice, and the only voice, then you are perfect for the dragon bear.

Divine Domains

Spilled Blood, Greed and Domination

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of Armauk is a bloody coin which covers all of his spheres. The blood represents the spilled blood, the coin represents the greed and domination. The forceful taking of power and the coin itself being the source of power.


21st of Shiverwind is the Night of Everburn. If his followers have not completed their goals for the year, all 3 must be finished by midnight or they'll become another followers goal for domination.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Armauk wants his followers to hunger endlessly for what they desire, to spill blood for and dominate to get whatever they want.

Physical Description

Body Features

Armauk is a quadrupedal being, with the body of a bear with brown scales that are tinted red. With giant wings climbing out of his back, his paws are more reptilian than the rest of his body. Having long black claws attached to them, his tail resembles a spiked mace.

Facial Features

His face heavily resembles a bear as well but much more angular, his snout is longer and his eyes always look as his they are swirling with smoke inside them.

Apparel & Accessories

Armauk has blessed weapons that he passes to those he deems worthy.  
  1. Searfire - His dagger made from a curved bone that leaves a fiery cut that burns the victim.
  2. Armauk's Tail - A mace resembling his tail. It feels incredibly light for the wielder, but the victim will feel as if a giant stone has fell upon them when struck with it.

Personality Characteristics


Armauk seeks those with the strength of will to further his reach in Thera, and also further their own ends. Armauk wishes to see your wants, your needs, your passions overtake every fiber of your being. He wants to forgo without restraint towards your desires. He wants the world washed with blood if thats what it takes to achieve the goal you seek. He wants mortals to never give in to satisfaction and complacency, if you're first goal was accomplished then obviously you can do better. If those qualities didn't make it clear, Armauk is a being of domination and respects those who mirror him. He wants to see the world filled wills untestable, iron in there resolve and standing. Unbeatable and victorious, he seeks those will dominate and encourages it at all turns.
Divine Classification
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brown scales
Quotes & Catchphrases
I am the will untestable, the diamond charge! Break yourself upon my standard so my fires will refuel from your trampled marrow!