Children of Arson Organization in Thera | World Anvil

Children of Arson

Stealing the name from the Heirs of Arson, this group is mostly comprised of saytrs. Who claim to be the true children of Arson. They are a violent Anti-Human separatist group who wish to completely rid Serferine of it's infestation of humans.


The Children of Arson claim to be of or near the village that Arson accidentally burned down. While others lost family in fire, and could not forgive Arson for that. The Arcolytes not only only believe he did it purposely, but that it was the best decision regardless of the cost. All these saytrs remember is being attacked by humans, and a saytr saved them. So in a twisted way, they are trying to do the same by attacking human villages and towns.

Public Agenda

To establish West Serferine as a saytr controlled territory, impose a anti-human policy and protect saytrs from outside influence.


The Arcolytes have a few strongholds built up, from their ransacking and raiding. They have a good amount of supplies and people. Due to their location they also feud with and steal from other bandits in the area that are mostly human.
Illicit, Gang
Alternative Names
Official Languages