Ey Loyûlûl Ehimey (Witch Hunters) Organization in Thera | World Anvil

Ey Loyûlûl Ehimey (Witch Hunters)

The Witch Hunters are a pretty dangerous sort. They dedicated themselves to protecting their home and hunting witches where ever they can. They are highly respected amongst all peoples.


The Witchhunters are headed by their most veteran leaders.
  • The Hunter & The Chronicler.
Below that are the veterans and the trainees.
  • Hunter Veteran & Veteran Chronicler
  • Hunter Trainee & Trainee Chronicler


The Witch Hunters define themselves from their duty, they're only doing what is required of them as no one else has taken the position. Witches & Wizards have proven themselves a particularly prickly thorn in the side of civilization. So the witch hunters have decided to become the counterweight to the heavy tax people pay for the deeds of the witches/wizards. Sometimes they do become overzealous in their pursuits, as there are good witches and wizards out there. Rare as they might be, but if the witch hunters are notified that one is near without being specified what kind, they'll just attempt to dispatch them anyway.

Public Agenda

The Witch Hunters as an organization don't get into politics or are troubled with everyday problems of Elves. Their eternal watch is held upon the Witches and Wizards. They actively track and hunt them.


The Witchhunters are greatly funded due to their successes and have a huge swath of branches (buildings) dedicated to their order.


The Witchhunters weren't created by a royal decree or a knightly order of elves. They were simply a group of elves who were sick and tired of repairing their homes and cleaning up their dead anytime a witch decided to throw a couple of sparks their way. Eventually they started fighting back, and this is not to be mistaken for a grand turn around of luck by any means, because they lost quite a bit for a very long time. Then one day came, and they weren't dead mostly. They weren't howling in pain either, the elves walked back into the boughs a little worse for wear. But their heads held high with sly smiles on their faces. There they dropped the head of Grimeld the Wizard, and on that day the Witch Hunters were born.
Founding Date
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities