Fronia Organization in Thera | World Anvil


Fronia would be the prettiest nation that sits upon the Delindell, if it wasn't for the blood.


  1. High Frolins - The wealthy and powerful nobles of Fronia. They own the most slaves, have the most prosperous land or businesses.
  2. Frolinmeer - The merchants who own the stalls in the cities and sometimes have contracts with other countries if High Falins don't take them.
  3. Frolinso - Fronian ensoulers, the ones who bring in slaves for Fronia. Fronians don't believe their slaves have souls, they believe they are given souls by working for them.
  4. Frolinmy - The land owning class of Fronia that possess small farms or land that doesn't have much worth or revenue.
  5. Low Frolins - The commoners & working class who do the work considered to be to close to the other citizens for slaves.
  6. Unfrolin - The slaves and general labor force, also to be used in defense or whatever other uses their capturers decide for them.


  • Slaves


The people of Fronia seemed to have bonded under the disposition that they were just better than others. These were the ones who thought the world was owed to them. They might be willing to work for themselves, but they work to the bone to get someone to do it for them. It was around this time the people were starting to make frequent trips to Adentai. They saw the Demu and didn't see people, they saw things. Items to be possessed and owned. They tricked them with friendship, showered them with gifts, showed them magics they didn't know and technology they didn't have. The Demu came along with them, and were slapped with them chains as soon as they landed. A fortunate few escaped and made their way back to Fronia. But the rest became the workforce, a practice that widely accepted in Fronia. They've set up their society with classes in which all use and have slaves.
Geopolitical, Country
Fronian, Straiter, Delindweller
Major Exports
  • Clothing
Major Imports
  • Wheat
  • Farm Animals
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations