Gnomes Species in Thera | World Anvil


Whatever we need, gnomes can make it or know where to get it.

Basic Information


Bipedal Humanoid form
  • 2 arms
  • 2 legs

Genetics and Reproduction

It takes 7 months for a Gnome to be born from the moment of conception

Growth Rate & Stages

They reach adulthood and 3 feet at 50 years old

Ecology and Habitats

They prefer areas with warm climates or away from rain for optimal building areas, but their skills with building can more than make up for what ever environment.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They eat animals and fish and vegetables. They never worry about food because they have traps set around high activity feeding areas with the Elves permission. Their small bodies and concentration they require for their work actually minimizes their intake to almost nothing. But when they aren't actively working they can eat a good amount of food.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Gnomes rank themselves in society based on their building ability.  
  1. Master Architect
  2. Architect 1st Rank
  3. Prime Engineer
  4. Engineer 2nd Rank
  5. Chief Inventor
  6. Inventor 3rd Rank
  7. Expert Mason
  8. Mason 4th Rank
  9. Adept Artisan
  10. Artisan 5th Rank
  11. Proficient Designer
  12. Designer 6th Rank
  13. Practiced Creator
  14. Creator 7th Rank
  15. Student Craftsman
  16. Craftsman 8th Rank

Facial characteristics

Gnomes have beards as long as their bodies.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Gnomes live in Hammertree, which in inside the Grove, and in Fronia. One of the Delindell States.

Average Intelligence

The Gnomes have to be one of the smartest races. They build some of the most fantastic things, and are hired regularly to build weapons, or buildings or whatever the customer wants.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • Sight
  • Sound
  • Taste
  • Touch
  • Smell

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Male and females both don't really care about the physical appearance of their partner. They want the smartest or most complimentary mind they can find. When it comes to clothing pirate hats are very fashionable with gnomes.

Gender Ideals

Gnomes don't have roles. Gnomes employ servants so any roles typically assigned to genders would fall to the servants. Females do work more in the architectural side while the men work more on weapons and armor manufacturing.

Courtship Ideals

Gnomes court each other with wit and puzzles. They'll each have some test of their own design to see how the their potential partners mind works. If they pass each others test they'll begin seeing each other. If they decide to marry they'll be gloved, where an ornate glove will be crafted and sewn with fine materials with only the ring finger covered. The glove can only be taken off by embracing their partners glove.

Average Technological Level

Gnomes have created many fine things, the best they keep secret. They invented the steam technology the dwarves use, designed the deep hull boats and created the low magic or as some call it the anti-witch city design.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

  • Common

Common Dress Code

Gnomes don't care much about clothing. They'll be happy with a fine thick robe for free movement and circulation. The women will wear pants or low skirts or dresses. But they have a fascination with seafarers apparel.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Gnomes are inventors, and feel at home trying to outdo everyone else. Always on the lookout for the next great invention. They take pride in their own creations, but they are certainly not above stealing someone else's. The pressure sometimes takes it's toll on them to be a great builder, some breakdown and quit altogether and leave the city. They aren't picky on who they make things for, they only care about coin.

They heavily depend on servants, while they design everything they leave all of the heavy lifting to their servants but will step in if they need something to be exact. The servants also are the ones who will travel out to conduct business for the gnomes so they don't have to leave their work. Sometimes these are dwarves who quit the expedition, but mostly these are children. Orphans who have been adopted en masse by the gnomes, they do this so they can bond with the kids, and keep them from telling their secrets.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

When gnomes design something new for a customer they ask to see in action firsthand. Whether it be a weapon in the battlefield or walk through of a house.

Common Taboos

Magic. It's not that gnomes hate magic or don't know how to use it. They feel a certain challenge to it. Magic is natural and powerful. Gnomes see their minds as a match for nature, and feel whatever magic can make; They can create a nonmagical equivalent. So most gnomes don't practice magic, the few who do will leave the city.


Gnomes were created by the Skysmith. Forgemaster of the gods, but a schism tore the them into two groups. This schism led to a war which not only separated the gnomes but the skysmith in two. Half of the Gnomes became the Goblins. and the Skysmith became the Sunsmith and the Nightsmith. Since then they have been wonderful creators, and craftsmen. Building things thought impossible just to see if they can.
230 years
Average Height
2'8 - 3 feet
Average Weight
40 - 60 lbs
Average Physique
Gnomes aren't known for their strength and are pretty soft.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They are white and tan.
Geographic Distribution