
The Mithmarrans, favored of Jorogumo, and gifted with the web of the spider. Are sworn to catch the rest of the world off guard and wrap it in their trap. A gift for their goddess.


Major language groups and dialects

  • Common

Culture and cultural heritage

Their culture revolves around the use of their pet spiders, they build everything for them. Clothes, buildings and help catch food or fight.

Shared customary codes and values

Mithmarrans live together in one web but in different quarters. Because gene traits are not shared between families. They will have almost random features, wants and needs. It's for this reason they do not have traditional families, when children are born they are given to daycare like center. The children grow and decide which quarter of the web they feel more connected to and join them. Formed by the leaders who could not agree with each other. The quarters each own a section of the city. With their own rules, and regulations. Travel between is not restricted but trouble can be easy to start due to different lifestyles. The best way to interact with each other is around the center web, which is a quarter neutral zone.

Common Dress code

Their clothes are all entirely woven by silk.

Art & Architecture

They live in silk houses woven by their pet spiders.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Mithmarrans can't really grow hair, and only have very small amounts of their heads. So they use the smaller spiders to web hair for them, the spiders will connect the webbing to the small hairs and continue from there. They will build a small pattern the spiders will follow that give them the kind of hair they desire. It's not uncommon for a spider to just start dropping down from someones head in the middle of a conversation. So every Mithmarran looks like they have pure white hair which is really webbing.

Funerary and Memorial customs

When dead they are given to the spiders to replenish themselves from their flesh, a gift for all the hard work they've done for that person.
Encompassed species