Passion Pups

The worst thing you could do is be mean to a pup, it takes a shitty person to do that. Thankfully the pup leaves us with evidence.

Basic Information


  • 4 legs
  • Tail
  • Floppy ears

Growth Rate & Stages

From birth it'll take about 8 months for them to reach their full size.

Ecology and Habitats

They can live in any environment but it depends on the breed.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Most passion pups are pets or strays that live in cities. They eat whatever their given but prefer meat.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Passion Pups are pets, and are used like a portable perfume. If you're around a passion pup long enough whatever smell they have sticks to you. When they're happy they emit a pleasant smell that makes others happy. This circle continues until the pup can emit an immediately calming smell. The pups who can do this are highly sought after not only for homes but for medical practices, or funerals. When they are mistreated or sense danger they emit a foul stench that burns the nostrils, it eventually becomes strong enough to make some gag or throw up. It generates an uneasy feeling for anyone who comes near and creates an unpleasant atmosphere.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Circle

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They are keen on sensing emotion and can affect how they smell.

Civilization and Culture


Passion Pups are just a cute name for skunk dogs. They were some of the animals that merged together during the destruction of the circle. Thankfully they aren't dangerous and are still widely used as pets.
25 years
Average Height
2 - 3 ft
Average Weight
80 lbs
Average Length
3 - 5 ft
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They can be tan, white, black, brown, spotted, gold, or gray but they always have a line going from there head to their tail.