Summerstorm Isles Settlement in Thera | World Anvil

Summerstorm Isles

You know how Summerstorm got its name? Besides the heat? A game. This island has always been known for its tornadoes. During one of the nastier one a couple of kids were close enough to throw things into it to see if they collided. Rocks, dry balled up grass, old shirts and professionally cut sticks otherwise known as wands. Do you see where this is going yet? The rocks kept colliding causing sparks, which would catch on to the dry grass and shirts. Little bits of fire could be seen from the tornado until the rocks staring hitting the wands. First a few loud noises would pop out of the tornado when it was hit. Then a large flash, suddenly the tornado had flames ascending its turns like it was walking up a staircase. The tornado caused a fire that burned the northern part of the island to a crisp. Earning the name Summerstorm.


There is only one door in and out of Summerstorm, and it is heavily fortified.


This nation is incredibly independent with abundant naturally replenishing resources, natural defenses and a thriving culture. All of this was interrupted when a part of the nation declares itself independent and a new separate nation. A civil war immediately started and its borders were closed until it was resolved. That was 130 years ago, no one has seen any of the citizens since.

Natural Resources

  • Wood
  • Fish
  • Sheep
  • Cows
  • Metal
  • Stone
  • Salt
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym