Targannon Settlement in Thera | World Anvil


No dwarfs can reach the heights and delights of those of Targannon




Targannon was created once the dwarves noticed the griffons flew frequently in to the nearby mountains. They followed the griffons up the mountains till they found their nest. They stayed their for years learning and studying for their behaviors until they felt comfortable to approach. They become friendly with the griffons, cleaning them and feeding them. Once the griffons allowed the group of dwarves to ride them they became attached at the hip. Shortly after they began building a town and founded Targannon, these dwarves also became exempt from expedition work. As long they trained the griffons to help them whenever they needed.


The only reason people go to Targannon is to buy a tame Griffon which most are unable to do. But they always are turned away.


All the houses have some kind of crows nest built on top of it, so the griffons can sleep on top of their houses if they want. Also if they needed to leave in a hurry they could run right up and hop on the griffon.


Targannon lies on top of a mountain over looking the seersglade lake.