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Khry Stones

These colorful stones are found along the cliffside shores and within the deep caverns of the Northeastern Island's channel. Scavenged and mined for a millennia for use as decorative gems, it was just three hundred years ago that it was discovered these rocks can be imbued with certain amounts and types of magical energies. These energies are stored and released at regular intervals, and may be refilled with energies once the original forces have dissipated.   Experimenters have learned that certain colors retain and distribute forces differently, dissipating them at varying rates and in varying amounts. Research is still being done to understand which types of forces may be best suited for which color Khry Stones, and in what quantities.   Popular uses include upriver ferrying along the mainland rivers, increasing the load weight of carts and wagons, reinforcing structural materials, and strengthening healing chambers within medicine houses.   Upriver Ferrying   In certain regions, installation of turquoise Khry Stones beneath boat hulls has allowed goods to be shipped directly upstream. This has decreased shipping cost and labor, as the goods no longer need to be transferred from port to caravan to reach their final destinations. In some cities, most notably the Upper Bank of Lemanis, the stones have been mounted within the riverbed to further improve transport speed and efficiency.   Load Weight and Reinforcement   Violet Khry Stones may be embedded within structural bonds, aiding in the simple builds of wooden transport carts as well as the towering, twisting complexities of structures such as the Spire of Providence. Small stones reinforce a material at twice its standard; larger stones are capable of reinforcing a material up to twenty times.   Healing   Grey Khry Stones, found solely in some of the deepest caverns of the Island channel, have the ability to amplify healing forces. When imbued with healing magics, they may be left by a wounded's bedside or wrapped into bandages, where the energies release continuously over a period of time according to the stone's size. This phenomenon is still being studied - contrary to other Khrys, grey stones shatter if loaded with too much force.


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