The Nul Geographic Location in Thera | World Anvil
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The Nul

Devoid of magic, the Nul is rumored to have been created when the gods left Thera at the end of the First Age. After centuries without magical energies, unique cultures and creatures now exist exclusively within this region that most societies have long considered to be a wasteland. 

The Nul is geographically divided into three notable regions. The Northern Neck, which borders Providence to the west, Fellyn to the east, and the Kordack Sea to the north, is the smallest of the three. It consists primarily of lush grasslands that stretch all the way to the rocky coast. This area is popular with excursionist groups - those touring caravans which cart magical folk into the Nul so that they might "experience" non-magical lifestyles for a few days. These groups most frequently follow the Ferruway Path that connected Providence and Fellyn. The large majority of those who live within this northernmost region are Old Wayers, those who have renounced magical lifestyles. Some Old Wayers have settled in the Neck in an attempt to minister to as many excursionists as possible. Some seek continued connection with magical communities, and remain in the north in order to stay up to date on news, events, or even to visit friends and relatives who pass through on occasion. 

In the Nul's central region, called the Strip, the grasslands convert to plains which convert to desert. This desert portion comprises most of the central geography: miles of endless orange sand and shifting dunes stand between Providence, Mardonia, and Prazd. The core of this desert is referred to as the Deep Desert, or simply the Deep. The Deep is known for massive dunes and murderous Sandgales. Only seasoned explorers from local settlements are skilled enough to cross the Strip; most consider it a fool's errand. Precious few make their homes within the Deep, though a number of Reg groups (those people born without magical abilities) live in encampments to the far east near Prazd, where the dunes and gales die out. 

The least known portion of the Nul is the Prethos Mountain range in the south. These dull gray faces and icy peaks dominate the southernmost stretches of the territory, down to the Coast of Tempora. Somewhere high within these mountains sits the Nest, home of The Vultures. The flock's precise perch is unknown, but due to the frequency of Vulture raids within the southern bounds, most travelers stay as far from the mountains as possible, preferring even the dangers of the desert to the dangers of the flock.


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