Ördög a Levesben Myth in Theras | World Anvil

Ördög a Levesben

Ördög a Levesben, or Devil in the Soup is a folklore tale among the Bascaxi people of Epeoris. The tale speaks of a relentless Devil that takes pleasure in torturing people by repeatedly striking them with a large spoon.


The devil is relentless, causing bruises, followed by large hematomas, followed by fractures, and then eventually death. All the while, preventing the people from harming themselves in order to end the torture.   Most people claimng to see the Ördög, are considered insane by their peer.

In Art

the physical appearance of the Ördög exhibits features that are typical of demons. Although the Devil possesses human-like features, the Ördög's ghastly appearance is characterized by his deathly pale complexion, jet-black lips, and pupils that create a skeletal impression. He dons a black hood that conceals his head, with black pants and shoes completing his outfit. His attire features an array of spoons that are tied around his body, providing replacements in case his current spoon breaks or is removed from his grasp. Additionally, the Ördög's body seems to be infested with wriggling mealworms, maggots, and other repulsive larvae, making him even more repugnant.   There are some depictions of him torturing the victims with cold or boiling soup.
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