Epeoris in Theras

Current Events

Both the Yokun Grausur Campaign (1050 AB) and the Kadian Invasion of Rakion (1051 AB) motivate and stir the current events on Epeoris. The signing of The Pax Imperiis allows the two powers to act within their half of the continent without fearing the other will try to capitalize on their diversion of resources.

In Grausur, the Diarchy of Peraserasia was annexed by the Yokun empire following the former's catastrophic defeat in the Battle of Eallard Stronghold. The Principality of Sabersycha recently declared war on the empire following a failed siege on the principality's south-eastern lordship of Clochdor.


Adventuring Parties

Heroes of Clochdor, Mammoths of Feerka.


Humans are indisputably dominant. Except the Demesene of A'shiraf'sir, the Deep Kingdom of Torkia, and the Kingdom of Nakilnul, all polities are ruled by humans, or at the very least by human culture.  

North-South Split

The continent is effectively divided into the southern part and the northern part, with Amadal Ridge and Belligerent's Bay parting between them. The southern part is mostly affected by the Kadian Dominion, while the northern part is mostly dominated by the Yokun Empire.  


The cultures in the north are diverse and can be roughly grouped into Non-Human, Yojeku, Prasri, Bascaxi, Qulfigi, Paquecian, Grieselandic, Ciami, and Agyer; in the south, such rough grouping would only yield two groups - the Kadian and Gomuri.

The Andorian Church is an organized religion and the state religion of the Kadian Dominion, widespread across the continent. Some deviations from it, such as Quintism and Kaviri practices, are also relatively widespread though lack the organized nature of the church, which includes the powerful Andorian Inquisition.



Epeoris's history is, on the grand scale of the other continents on Theras, fairly recent. Accounts of events that took place prior to The Second Sun are considered by reputable scholars to have many inconsistencies, and are often thought to be cultural legends rather than historical fact.

Major events involve the establishment of Lustiris/Yokunhein and the evolution of the Aderian Empires/SFLK.


Map of Epeoris Base Map Image


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