Aralamin Organization in Theras | World Anvil


Aralamin was originally a name of one of the Sons of Filron. He was a skilled high elven mage responsible for many atrocities (or so the human call it) for trying to invade elven lands. The son and his family were ever expanding to the west with their elven colonies.


In 500 BB, Etarr's armies of "creeping evil" were unleashed on the elven settlement of Aralamin. The corrupting forces spread blight through the forests that surrounded the city. The deity's dark influence twisted and mutated every living thing in the vicinity of Aralamin, including members of its own church. These corrupted creatures were shaped into various unknowable horrors, including deepspawn and rotting shambling mounds. Unable to cleanse nor destroy the created evil, elven High Magic was used to sever the "creeping evil" part of Etarr and imprison it within the ruined Aralamin, later renamed to the dreaded forest of Mirkwatch. This act cost 32 elven lives, including two High Mages of the once house of Amon Tal. The loss of power echoed in Etarr's diminished influence on Theras.   Most elves died swiftly and painfully when the rot set in on House Aralamin. A small number of older and more powerful individuals managed to flee Etarr through a gate to Qiren, an isolated elven island in the Doliran Isles. Some of the survivors were infected with slow rot and Kaylin Aralamin made great sacrifices to purge the corruption from her remaining subjects. However, she unwittingly granted them a unique type of undead existence in the process.

Emme are i furime (We are the Fury)

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