Sel-Quessiri Ethnicity in Theras | World Anvil


Sel-Quessiri, or in short Sel is another name for the culture of the High Elves and hold their heritage dear to the their hearts.   The Sel personal philosophiesare more impulsive and display a decided live-for-the-moment outlook. They dislike remaining in one place for very long, and enjoy travel. This alone may account for their adventurous nature, but there is a deeper and more important aspect to it as well, for the Sel strongly believe that an individual must choose his or her own path through life. The Sel desire to see and do everything possible during their span on this plane. Sel's love of travel, their tendency toward multiple talents and skills, are but reflections of the High Elves inquisitive and unbouinded Nature.   A Sel craves experience; experience entails going many places, doing many things, and meeting many people. Sel elves have fewer qualms about associating with, and usually possess the skills to relate to many different peoples and cultures and they are far more outgoing, love excitement and enjoyable as friends.   It should be noted that that the Sel, espacially those in the Principality of Amon-Thal, are far more warlike and have militaristic, espionage and are ready to act in defense of their home, in light of the Breaking of the Ingol Studime, which made Amon-Thal and their very culture, very protective.


Culture and cultural heritage

The Sel are every bit as devout as their Sehan Elves cousin, but their methods of worship vary greatly. Generally, during the several religious ceremonie, Sel worship is exuberant, joyful, loud, and more often than not, simply an excuse for more revelry. Though, they accept other deities and recognize them aswell, but not giving them a place in the main culture of their home, but more like recognizing their powers. Even High-ELf Priests from other faiths, accept that the the other religions will not be accepted into their culture and do not expect that - They only take those faiths for the good of the Elven people.

Shared customary codes and values

Sel are generally thought to truly hate no one, but this is not entirely true. Their hatred for the Drowseuessiri and the Goblinkin, for example, is extreme. But their overall outlook on life is to treat most strangers as friends, and friends as family.   While the Sel have experienced the same indignities and atrocities at the hands of humans, they are far less likely to judge an individual solely on the basis of race. Sel feel that individuals are responsible for their own actions and will generally give one the benefit of the doubt. Still, many Sel elves harbor a deep distrust of humans, a distrust that takes much time and effort to overcome.  

Games and Revelry

Not surprisingly, the Sel love gambling and games of chance.
One popular elven game called kholiast involves a deck of more than 1,000 cards, a variable-sized hand based upon a throw of dice, and a point-counting system that would drive even the most dedicated Sophia-Hold scholar completely mad.   Drinking, feasting, and reveling are all part of the Sel. They are told to celebrate, with a stamina far exceeding that of even my own crew of hardened buccaneers, carry on long into the night and well into the day beyond, singing, dancing, drinking, flirting outrageously. Given the conventional wisdom about the frail elven constitution, it is appearling to wath a circle of Sel-Quessiri, male and female, hoisting their tankards, singing The Elf Maids and the Orc Lord.

Common Dress code

Sel dress includes many primitive elements, in subconscious acknowledgment of their ancient origins. Robes and tunics are decorated with feathers, beadwork, carved stones, and other such trappings. The colors are bright, sometimes even shocking. The more brightlycolored the garment, the more highly the elf is looked upon by the others. Hair is worn in braids or ponytails, twined with wires or beads. Their armor is no less sophisticated than and advanced and protective, as they, unlike the Silvendal and Or-Quessiri, wear armor to protect themselves and they are highly decorative.

Art & Architecture

Sel-Quessir's songs and poetry are considerably lighter and less solemn than those of the Daoin Quessir. Grim ballads and tragedies have their place, but the High Elves prefer to balance such things with light-hearted, often bawdy tales and songs. Many of these sagas tell stories of quick-witted Sel-Quessiri heroes or heroines who outwit and humiliate goblin, human, or dwarven opponents.   Sel minstrels and bards are better known throughout Theras than their Sehan elf counterparts, largely because their repertoire is much larger and because they venture far more. Sel Minstrels favor the mandolin, harp, and shalaquin. They are often talented performers, capable of song, dance, juggling, sleight of hand, and even minor magical spells. It is not widely known that many of these minstrels are also secretly in the pay of the Starlight Eyes, and act on Theras to gather information, retrieve lost elven treasures, and defend elves in jeopardy.   The Sel enjoy a wide variety of art styles, from paintings to sculpture. A special form of art known as shaping is popular, using elven magic to form natural objects such as stones, trees, and plants, into pleasing shapes.


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