Architects Satchel

The Architect Satchel is a remarkable innovation developed by the RA branch of lesser buildings, also known as RA BLoB of Panta around 1048AB. Said to contain all the relevent written materials that are needed to pass the 3c exams, in a compact and organized way, without the need of huge space to contain the books.   The satchel contains six square pockets, each containing two dozen colored coded tiny books, that when lifted up from the satchel turn into the specific book in real size, the book is then reduced to it's minuscule size when returned back to the satchel.   One of the formal uses of the Architects Satchel, is for contractors in salary of the Diarchy of Peraserasia at hard to traverse places, so much so, it had helped to hasten the repair of many roads and bridges as even the simplest of contractors can do so, using the satchel in its intended way.  
The current satchels at their current design were made by the RA BLoB after an earlier design was considered troublesome by some magical experts. After an unexpected delay, the RA BLoB found that the precision of any hand could'nt do such laboursome fine job, that is to inscribe tiny runes inside the satchel pockets and complementary runes on the book binds.   Utilizing the combined knowledge of the RA BLoB, and the Bookbinders guild created a machine that has the function, to create the satchels at such fine quality.  
Many guild members had inquired about the high price of the satchel and stated that at the price point it is being sold it is affectivly sold only to the richest of the rich of Panta, so much so that even the guilds themselves cannot aford to buy one.   The highest clergy of Panta's Temple District has advocated against this machine as it is said to chain the souls of poor elderly bookbinders in order to produce it
"No bookbinder has offically "died" in the process of developing the satchels, three RA interns did, presumably... poor elderly bookbinders, they have done nothing wrong to deserve this"
— Mort O'neife, A cleric of The Raven Queen
Current Owners
      The first set of five, made by the RA BLoB
    1. Two were given to the RA.
    2. One was kept for further improvement.
    3. Two were given to the bookbinders guild as gratitude, for their hefty help with a problem the RA BLoB met while developing this tool, and for other expenditures.
      The second set of five, made by the bookbinders guild
    1. Two were sold to private Individuals.
    2. One was sold to a foreign researcher.
    3. Two are available for sale, for the fair price of 95k Gold Coins


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