Ashmedain Disciplines Document in Theras | World Anvil

Ashmedain Disciplines

The Ashmedian Disciplines, is a chilling scripture outlining the core principles of Ashmedian worship. Though a mere 1,000 pages in its earthly form, the true depth of the doctrine lies in hundreds of supplementary texts. These additional volumes delve into universal truths – often horrifying in nature – along with an endless web of exceptions and caveats.   The Discplines themselves avoids explicit references to demonic entities or infernal revelations. Instead, it focuses on practical matters: detailed instructions for religious rituals, intricate lessons on crafting contracts, and philosophical arguments extolling the virtues of power. However, a hidden price awaits those who delve deeply into its secrets. After a mere week of dedicated study, readers report a descent into terrifying nightmares. Visions of devils and hellscapes sear their minds, leaving them forever scarred but also privy to terrible, soul-wrenching truths.   The editing of this scripture is not a human endeavor. Only by direct mandate from Hell itself can the Ashmedian Disciplines be altered.


The true purpose of the Disciplines, is to show truth to all believers and to sow doubt inside their heart of the 'truth' their gods show them. In the end, everything is futile.


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