Ashmedai Character in Theras | World Anvil


Ashmedai, also known as Asmodeus, is the ruler of the Nine Hells and a deity on his own.

Holy Books & Codes

The most reknown text is that of the Ashmedain Disciplines

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The Church of Ashmedai attracts influential figures, particularly nobles and bureaucrats – especially those involved in the slave trade. In nations where his worship is openly accepted, Asmodean influence reaches its peak.   Individual priests often perform a personal ritual before spellcasting, offering a small animal as a sacrifice. This practice further emphasizes their devotion to Asmodeus and strengthens their connection to their infernal patron.   The Ashmedian clergy mirrors the rigid hierarchy of the nine Hells themselves. High-ranking positions include Cardinal and Demicardinal, wielding significant authority within the faith. Local leadership falls to High Priests, while lesser ranks remain unspecified.   It should be noted that Ashmedai demands absolute devotion and unwavering discipline from his followers. He believes in a clear hierarchy: the strong rule the weak. Flattery, while recognized for its insincerity, is appreciated by Ashmedai, who thrives on cunning deals and contracts that ultimately favor one party, often at the other's expense.  
Nonhumanoids Clergy
Ashmedai holds sway not just over humans but also other "civilized" races. Notably, kobolds revere him. His doctrine of subjugating the weak through trickery resonates deeply with their hierarchical society, where cunning compensates for their physical limitations. Additionally, Ashmedai's association with fire – a crucial element in kobold metalworking – strengthens their connection to the dark deity. Exploiting their insecurities and desire for power, Ashmedian priests manipulate them into becoming loyal pawns.  
Day-to-Day Activities
The Church of Ashmedai actively takes care of orphans left behind by the destructive wars. These unfortunate children are housed and indoctrinated in Ashmedain principles within designated monasteries.    
Priestly Vestments
Priests of Ashmedai favor a striking yet disciplined aesthetic. They typically wear expensive black clothing adorned with red accents, reflecting the faith's association with wealth and power. For ceremonies, many don elaborate horned masks or helmets, adding to their imposing presence.  
Public temples dedicated to Asmodeus, with their diabolical motifs, are a prominent feature throughout Ameros and its vassal states, often integrated with government buildings. In regions where his worship is outlawed, he finds hidden reverence in secret houses scattered across Theras. Interestingly, many of these temples were originally dedicated to other deities, later usurped by the Ashmedian faithful to serve their dark purposes.   His largest temples are constructed in Ameros and later in Gontal.

Tenets of Faith

  • Every agreement is a sacred vow. Exploit every loophole, demand every concession, for a flawlessly negotiated contract is the foundation of power.
  • A broken oath weakens the very fabric of reality. Betrayal invites chaos, and those who break their word must pay a terrible price.
  • Strength is the only true currency. Rule with an iron fist, and crush those who defy your will. Weakness is a disease, and the weak deserve their fate.
  • Breaking a contract is a severe transgression.
  • Mercy is a disease that rots the soul. Pity your enemies and they will exploit your kindness. True power demands unwavering cruelty.
  • Respect the power structure above you. There will always be those superior in strength or cunning. A wise devil knows when to bend the knee.
  • Insulting a superior is a sign of weakness. Respect those who have earned their dominance, for someday you might aspire to the same heights.
  • Acknowledge superiors and strive for your own dominance.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Myths and Legends

According to the legends, there were two gifts to the primordials from the creator, whoever it is... Knowledge and choice, i.e. the ability to distinguish between good and evil. The first was given to Ioun, the second was given to Ashmedai. The latter used this opportunity to experience good and evil for a millenia, where later, he established a realm so dark, for the sinners to be, to pay their due - Hell.   Some say that this was a reward for his deeds, other says that it was his punishment for choosing evil. According to the cultist of Ashmedai, it is neither. It is only his choice and the deep understanding of the universe.

Personality Characteristics


Ashmedai understands that devils are essentially the sole bulwark holding back the demons from consuming the multiverse. He harbors a deep resentment for the beings of the Upper Planes for abandoning them in this fight. One of the few allies devils have managed to secure are mortals who belong to infernal cults.
Prince of Darkness;
The First;
King of Hell;
Lord of Darkness;
Lord of Hell;
Prince of Darkness;
Prince of Devils;
Ruler of all Law;
The Dark Prince;
The Archfiend;
Lawful Evil
Aligned Organization
Related Myths
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Aspirations, Indulgence, Deals, Devils, Nine Hells, Sin
Corruption, Vanity, Bureaucracy
Evil (Corruption, Devil, Fear, Kyton), Fire (Ash), Glory (Hubris), Law (Devil, Inevitable, Judgement, Kyton, Legislation, Slavery, Tyranny), Liberation (Freedom), Madness (Truth), Nobility (Aristocracy, Hubris), Ruins, Trickery (Deception, Greed)
A falling sun on the background of a sunrise
Sinners, Fallen Heroes, Diabolists, Slavers, Lawyers, Tyrants
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
“The Fallen Star” (Morning Star)
Holy Days


Knights of Ashmedai
Clad in the signature black and red of their patron, the Knights of Asmodeus are the embodiment of order through strength. They often wield spiked maces as symbols of their authority. Some of these knights even go so far as to call themselves paladins, attempting to cloak their actions in a veneer of righteousness.

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