Automated Director Scepter Item in Theras | World Anvil

Automated Director Scepter

The Automated Director Scepter or ADS, is the control rod for Warforged.   The ADS is a tool specified to control Warforged, and is itself magical in nature, concealing the alignment, thoughts and 'living' that the controlled Warforged do indeed possess.   For anyone purchasing Warforged it is customary to have one rod for controlling a pack (usually 4-10 warforged) and also a backup Control Rod for individual Warforged (for additional fee).
Creation Date
1048 AB
Raw materials & Components
The Rod itself is made of many materials, some may Include Infernal Steel, others may include Ignan Brass, however the core of it and the functional part are made from a combination of Adamantite, Electrum, Cobalt and Iron.   Special Materials may needed to be adjusted, depending on the power of the Warforged in control.


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