Rich Shore of Abaisgar Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Rich Shore of Abaisgar

The Rich Shore of Abaisgar is an Oligrachy that has a unique idea for the trading systems in the world of Theras and the idea of Corporate Law Personality.  
The Rich Shore of Abaisgar stands as a testament to the power of commerce, mercenary might, and the harmonious coexistence of different religious traditions. Its opulent markets, bustling ports, and well-protected trade routes continue to drive its economic growth and ensure its prominent status among the kingdoms of Theras.


The Oligarchy is comprised of mainly two different political entities. The council of the 12 houses decides the course of action and agenda for national organizations and entities such as the abaisgarian army, bank, navy etc. and the Head of state which runs the day to day buisness of the oligarchy who is called the Weaver of Contracts. The Weaver of Contracts appoints executives called Pillars - with the power bestowed upon him by the council and tries his best to satisfy abaisgar's and the council's interests and wishes.  

The Council of the 12 houses

the Council is comprised of 12 houses which can be divided in to two types of houses:  

Founding Houses:

The Founding Houses are the 6 houses which formed the oligarchy oficially in 33 AB after the vaccum left by the destruction of The High Kingdom of Abaisgar. They are comprised of the next houses:
    1.House Sunforge : Masters of fire and metal, led by Lord Durak Forgehammer, they control desert mines and forge weapons and tools in the southern desert.
    2.House Whispering Reef: Seafaring merchants, led by Lady Coralia Whisperwave, they dominate the naval trade in the southern ports. they hail from the western woodland area, and have strongholds in most ports.
    3.House Everwood: Dwellers of the woodlands led by Archdruid Sylvana, they command all of the timber trade in abaisgar. they have amassed a great fortune through their favorable position in the center of abaisgar and have used great buisness planning and banking to further their interests and monopoly.
    4.House Stonemantle : Trainning and deploying nearly half of the military forces in abaisgar while also maintaining a large ore mining industry, led by Lord Durin Stonemantle, they control ore trade and boast skilled stonemasons. they reside in the east mountains of abaisgar.
    5.House Riverwind: Masters of trade and logistics, led by Lady Zephyr Riverwind, they control navigatable rivers and bustling port cities.
    6.House Skyforge: Skilled craftspeople and inventors, they harness the power of wind and water to fuel their clockwork marvels and intricate machinery. Master Cogsworth leads this house innovating constanly with his inventions.

The Emerging Houses

The Free market agenda incentivises the emergence competition and innovation. Remarkable guilds, associations and companies which gained significant wealth, influence and proficiency were regocnised by The Founding six Houses and were invited to join the council throughout the last millenium. The Emerging six Houses are comprised of:
  1. House Ironclad (joined 333 AB): after the hammer's fall - (a war between the military forces of house sunforge and the rest of the houses in abaisgar led by mercenary legions and personall security forces of each house) house Ironclad was formed after the leader of the mercenary forces wed the daughter of house sunforge. led by Lord Borin Ironscar, they hold military trainning grounds, outposts and citadels throughout abaisgar. further more they use their military enegineering experience and personnel to improve upon certain weaponry and construction with enchanted metals.
  2. House Sunwhisper (joined 533 AB): Descendants of Sunforge, led by Lady Solara Sunwhisper, they harness solar power for cities and workshops.
  3. House Goldensand (joined 733 AB): Owners of the southern ports, led by Elder Khonsu.
  4. House Bogborn (joined 833 AB): Swamp alchemists, led by Dr. Anya Bogborn, they develop medicines and bio-fuels from swamp flora and fauna.
  5. House Starforge (joined 950 AB): Descendants of Skyforge, led by Master Galileo Starforge, they build celestial navigation devices and intricate astronomical clocks.
  6. House Windwhisper (joined 1003 AB): Nomadic riders descended from Whisperwind, led by Khan Zephyr, they excel in wilderness survival and control vital trade routes through mountain passes

Public Agenda

The Rich Shore of Abaisgar operates under a profit-driven mindset. They are willing to engage in warfare if it promises financial gain, often accepting contracts and joining conflicts where their interests align. However, their involvement in wars is primarily motivated by economic factors rather than ideological or political considerations.


To protect their maritime interests and ensure the safety of their trade routes, the Rich Shore of Abaisgar maintains a formidable naval force. Their fleets are not only utilized for commercial purposes but also serve as a formidable defense against pirates, rival nations, and any threats to their maritime supremacy. The Oligrachy invests heavily in naval technology, shipbuilding, and training, ensuring their fleets remain unmatched in both size and strength.   In addition to their naval prowess, the Rich Shore of Abaisgar employs a substantial number of mercenary regiments. These highly skilled and battle-hardened mercenaries are sought after by various factions and nations, eager to secure their services in times of war or conflicts. The mercenary regiments of Abaisgar are renowned for their discipline, tactical prowess, and unwavering loyalty, making them a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.


The primary deity revered and held in high esteem is Avandra, the goddess of good luck and trade. Avandra's influence permeates the Oligrachy's culture and is deeply intertwined with their mercantile pursuits and daily life.     The Oligrachy with its prosperous mercantile kingdom, is a melting pot of cultures and religions, blending the teachings of the Arqmati Pantheon and the Neomen Pantheon. This unique fusion of faiths reflects the diverse beliefs and values held by the Abaisgrians.   The Oligrachy's devotion to the Arqmati and Neomen Pantheons plays a significant role in the daily lives of its inhabitants. Temples and shrines dedicated to various deities from both pantheons can be found throughout the cities and towns of Abaisgar. The religious practices and rituals are integrated into the fabric of the Oligrachy, with faith serving as a unifying force among the people.

Trade & Transport

Driven by their thriving maritime trade, the Rich Shore of Abaisgar boasts the largest merchant fleets in Theras. Their ships traverse vast oceans, establishing trade routes, and connecting distant lands. The wealth generated from this extensive commerce fuels the Oligrachy's growth and prosperity, making Abaisgar a coveted economic powerhouse.
Founding Date
36 AB
Controlled Territories
Manufactured Items
Related Ethnicities


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