Baervan Wildwanderer Character in Theras | World Anvil

Baervan Wildwanderer (bay-ur-van wild-wan-der-er)

Barvan Wildwanderer is the Gnomish god of gentleness, good humor, and mischievousness, with a playful nature that rivals even Garl Glittergold. While Baervan enjoys playing pranks on other beings, it's difficult not to find charm in his jests.   Unlike typical behavior among the Gnome, the Masked Leaf's tricks carry a sharper edge, often serving as subtle messages when Baervan wishes to convey a point. As the patron deity of forest gnomes, a reclusive and uncommon branch of the gnome family, Baervan remains deeply intertwined with their secretive ways.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The Masked Leaf's church holds high esteem among Gnome communities, especially forest gnomes, who find Baervan and his followers quite endearing. Baervan's mischievous streak is a source of amusement and pride among the Hidden Kin, who generally embrace the playful nature exemplified by his clergy. Outside gnome circles, knowledge of Baervan's church is limited, primarily recognized among elven and sylvan deities. The church operates with loose organization, comprising mostly independent regional sects, particularly prevalent in outdoor gnome settlements within Theras' vast forests. Members of the clergy are often found wandering, accompanied by raccoons or dire raccoons, and share a common goal of protecting nature and their gnome kin who live harmoniously within it, actively combating malevolent entities.  
Novices of Baervan are known as Acorns. Full priests of the Masked Leaf are recognized as Wildwanderers. Baervan's clergy employs a hierarchical system with ascending titles, ranging from Chipmunk to Wolf, each signifying increasing rank. High-ranking priests hold distinctive individual titles. Those specializing in specific roles are designated as Fastpaws.  
Followers of Baervan gather in forest clearings to honor their deity, favoring sylvan glades encircled by ancient oaks, though such wooded monuments are not obligatory. Time-honored shrines dedicated to the Masked Leaf evolve into woodland chapels, where the encroaching circle of broad trunks and the intertwined canopy of limbs and leaves create a natural roof.  
Clerics of Baervan pray for their spells each day whenever the moon is highest in the sky.   Under the full moon's glow, Baervan's priests convene monthly in sylvan glades, engaging in dances, tossing acorns playfully, and presenting magical trinkets or precious treasures as offerings to the god. If a follower fails to procure any magical item for Baervan's favor within the last three ten-day periods, a knickknack of moderate worth, momentarily enchanted by minor magic, such as a light spell, is often presented as tribute.  

Priestly Vestments

Baervan's priests attire themselves in green caps, often tilted in a playful manner, and attire of earthy brown hues (though leather armor suffices when necessary). The sacred emblem of their faith is an enlarged acorn, nurtured meticulously until it triples in size, then respectfully collected after beseeching the tree that bore it for its consecrated use in Baervan's honor.   In their expeditions, adherents of Baervan's clergy opt for forest-inspired armaments like leather armor and wooden shields, wielding weaponry reflective of the woodland, including clubs, slings, spears, and staves.

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace the call of the untamed wilderness, beckoning the courageous hearts of the Hidden Kin beyond their cozy sanctuaries.
  • Explore the vast expanse of ancient woodlands, discovering hidden wonders and breathtaking sylvan vistas.
  • Stand as guardians of the forest denizens, safeguarding their homes and habitats from harm and intrusion.
  • Cultivate an insatiable curiosity, allowing life's mysteries to guide your path through the verdant depths of nature's embrace.

Personality Characteristics


The Gnomish deity is gentle, good natured, and mischievous, and his penchant for good natured mischief rivals Garl Glittergold himself. Though Baervan sometimes plays jokes on other creatures, it is hard not to like him. The Masked Leaf's tricks are much more pointed than typical of the Hidden Kin, and if Baervan wants to send someone a message, he does so in the form of a joke. Baervan is the patron of the forest gnomes, rare and secretive kin of rock gnomes.
The Masked Leaf;
The Sylvan Wanderer;
The Holy Raccoon;
Rocky Raccoon;
Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Travel, nature, forest gnomes, Glades
Animal (Feather, Fur), Gnome, Good (Agathion, Azata, Friendship, Redemption), Plant , Travel, Trickery (Ambush, Thievery)
Raccoon's Face
Druids, forest gnomes, rangers, rock gnomes, tricksters
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
“Whisperleaf” (halfspear)
Holy Days


The Wandering Nomads The Wandering Nomads form an informal coalition of rogues and priests, dispersed across urban and woodland environments alike. Bound by a common passion for exploration, novelty, adventure, and merriment, members of this group often act as vigilant scouts, monitoring emerging dangers in their surroundings. Some choose the path of the wanderer, embarking on adventurous journeys that bring back tales of distant lands, enriching and enlightening their fellow kinfolk upon their return.


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