Garl Glittergold Character in Theras | World Anvil

Garl Glittergold (garl gliht-ter-gold)

Garl Glittergold, the Guardian of the Hidden Kin and the foremost deity of the Gnome pantheon, is revered as the one who discovered the first gnomes in a new cavern. Legend holds that he regaled them with a joke before leading them into the world. All gnomes who embrace the communal life of the Hidden Kin honor the Joker, even if they also revere other deities. His name is invoked by gnomes engaged in smithcraft, particularly those working with gold and gem cutting. Gnomes seeking to play a prank or share a joke also call upon his name, as do those endeavoring to safeguard and fortify Gnome communities.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The Church of Garl holds a significant place in Gnome society, characterized by a relatively flexible structure unusual for a faith with lawful tendencies. Clerics of Garl are deeply integrated into their communities, serving as artisans, educators, entertainers, mediators, and guardians. This service extends even to those who venture out on quests, as their stories enrich the oral traditions of the Hidden Kin, echoing through generations. In educating the youth, Garl's clergy blend practical knowledge with humor, making learning an enjoyable experience. Many are also skilled in crafts such as goldsmithing, mining, and gem cutting, contributing their talents irrespective of their rank. They are vigilant against foes, particularly kobolds, safeguarding the communal well-being of the Hidden Kin. A key duty of the clergy is to preserve a vast collection of humor and tales, ensuring the spirit of joy is never lost.   A notable fraction of Garl's clergy aspires to mirror the deity's adventurous spirit, often becoming the most visible representatives to other races. This has led humans and other demihumans to view them as a spirited, amicable group known for their penchant for playful mischief and practical jokes. The whimsical deeds of both the deity and his followers are celebrated in stories shared among gnomes across the lands, fostering a legacy of cheerfulness and resilience.  
Day-to-Day Activities
Clerics of Garl play a crucial role in their communities, taking on the roles of artisans, teachers, entertainers, mediators, and guardians. Those who embark on adventures also contribute by ensuring their stories become part of the Hidden Kin's rich oral heritage, passed down through generations. When educating the youth, Garl's clergy skillfully mix practical wisdom with humor, making learning enjoyable and effective for the young. They are also engaged in various crafts, such as goldsmithing, mining, and gem cutting, where they are expected to offer their utmost, regardless of rank. Vigilantly protecting their communities from adversaries, particularly kobolds, they safeguard the unity and strength of the Hidden Kin. Additionally, the clergy is responsible for curating a vast collection of humor and stories, aiming to delight and teach through humor, wit, and wisdom. It's common for many clerics to also have skills in roguery or illusion, enriching their versatility and effectiveness in serving their communities.  
Priestly Vestments
The ritual attire for priests of Garl features a gold-plated helmet, a belt of gold, and, ideally, gold-plated armor, whether chain mail or plate mail. The sacred symbol of their faith is represented by a vibrant gold nugget, valued at a minimum of 10 gold pieces.   The arsenal available to Garl's clergy is diverse, encompassing weapons like battle axes, crossbows, darts, flails, hand axes, maces, short bows, short swords, slings, spears, picks, and war hammers. While those priests inclined towards their rogue or illusionist practices may opt for lighter or no armor to accommodate their skills, the majority of the Joker's priests lean towards the most protective armor they can find.  
Temples dedicated to Garl Glittergold are often nestled within worked caves just beneath the surface at the center of Gnome communities. The main worship area is designed as a circular space with a domed ceiling, segmented into four parts by towering arches. These arches are intricately carved with scenes showcasing gnomes from various backgrounds participating in a myriad of activities, illustrating the church's philosophy that every community member contributes to their collective well-being. The temple interiors, including walls and ceilings, are adorned with gold leaf or decorated with shiny gold nuggets, catching the light from flickering torches and illuminating the space. Stone benches arranged in concentric circles, divided into four sections by aisles that stretch under the arches, encircle a central platform. This layout is not just for worship; the church actively promotes using these sacred spaces for community gatherings. Performers, especially those skilled in comedy and illusion, frequently host open events here, reinforcing the belief that these temples are spaces for the entire community to come together and celebrate.  
Initiates in the service of Garl are called the Uncut, while ordained priests are referred to as Jewels. The hierarchy within Garl's clergy is denoted by a progression of gemstone titles, beginning with Amethyst and ascending through Topaz, Opal, Jacinth, Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, to Sapphire. Priests who attain high ranks are awarded unique titles, though senior female priests are collectively termed Star Rubies and their male counterparts, Star Sapphires, with no distinction in rank between the genders. Those who serve in a specialized capacity within the priesthood are distinguished as Glitterbrights.  
Clerics of Garl pray for their spells early in the morning, shortly after the sun rises.

Tenets of Faith

  • Maintain a sense of humor and embrace laughter and joy, even in difficult times.
  • Build communities through collective effort, unity, and a shared sense of purpose.
  • Recognize the power of cooperation to transform individual efforts into collective strength.
  • Use humor and pranks to bring light to dark times and enhance joyful moments.
  • Avoid taking oneself too seriously to stay connected with those you serve and support.
  • Be open to change and unconventional approaches, for they pave the path to the future.
  • Prioritize practicality and effectiveness in all endeavors.


The Feast of Mirth
The Feast of Mirth is observed on the 13th day of each month, encapsulating a full day of diverse festivities. While the sequence and specific traditions may differ from one temple to another, common practices during this celebration include a time for prayer and reflection, dancing on the central dais, communal feasting, narrating stories with magical visual accompaniments, and engaging in joke-telling competitions that extend well into the night. Participants are encouraged to donate a small offering of gold or, if gold is scarce, any available precious metal—even a mere sprinkle of gold dust suffices. These contributions are then utilized by the temple for projects that benefit the community at large. It's common for many clerics to have dual expertise as rogues or illusionists.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Garl's origin are mostly told by gnomes every new year and they tell of a time where Garl, alongside his father Corellon Larethien, had crafted the essence of chaos into an elf, and his mother Sehanine Moonbow had crafted the spirits of freedom inside this elf. This elf, was Garl Glittergold, or Garellon as some ancient texts refer to him.  

Other Myths and Legends

Birth of the gods
According to legend, the Gnomish deities originated as gems, and sometimes are referred to as veins of precious metals deep within the earth. Over time, subterranean waters gradually carved away the surrounding earth, eventually freeing them.  
Creation of the gnomes
While most gnomes imagine the multiverse as a steady-state model with no beginning or end, there does exist a myth of the ever-curious Garl Glittergold descending into a limestone cave system and being alerted to the presence of a hidden cavern by his intelligent axe, Arumdina. Using his magic to enter the cavern, Garl discovered it was covered wall to ceiling with brilliant gems. Picking some of the gems out of the wall and breathing on them, tiny forms within the gems were set free, becoming the first gnomes. Some believe the svirfneblin came from rubies, the rock gnomes came from diamonds, and the forest gnomes from emeralds. In other versions of the myth, a handful of the tiny forms are blown into the air by a sudden upcurrent, and they become the ancestors of some minor faerie folk. Usually, the first thing Garl does after setting the gnomes free is tell a hilarious joke.   However, the Gnomes were actually elves once from the feywild. Long before The Seldarine even formed, Garl was the father of Gnomes, as he sought to create something of his own and he took many of Corellon's to his own worship and essentially, had the gnomes genetically as a mixture of elves and dwarves.  
According to dwarven lore, Garl was formerly known as Garal, a deity of magic among the Dwarves. It is said that he parted ways with a faction of the dwarven populace, reshaping them into what would become the gnomish race.  
Once, harmony prevailed, a symphony of goodness enveloping all. Yet, Garl Glittergold detected a discord, a dissonance echoing through existence itself. Investigating, he traversed vast distances in an instant, until he encountered his mirror, Gelf Darkhearth. Identical in stature and attire, Gelf possessed gray skin and black hair, his weapon a chaotic amalgam of musical instrument, sword, and wand. They found themselves intimately familiar, destined to perpetually clash, Garl's sword opposing Gelf's enigmatic weapon. Their eternal duel mirrors the inner struggle within every gnome, between tranquility and rebellion, a microcosm of creation's delicate balance.  
The Deep Gnomes have a unique myth in which Garl directly battles the Orcish god Gruumsh, doing more than deploying mere tricks and illusions, but attacking him with the desire to kill.  
Legend has it that Garl orchestrated the collapse of Kurtulmak's cavernous hall. The specifics vary, but most Gnomish tales recount how Kurtulmak ambushed and bound Garl, who feigned captivity to enact his prank.   According to another version of the myth, the Sparkling Wit infiltrated Kurtulmak's throne room, weakening the ceiling's structure. When Kurtulmak entertained a prominent arch-devil, the roof gave way, leading the devil to suspect an assassination plot. As punishment, Kurtulmak endured suspension over a volcano by his tail for six weeks.

Personality Characteristics


Garl Glittergold embodies gentleness and approachability, valuing quick wit and mental clarity above all else. He is known for his transient nature, rarely lingering in one place for too long. While he acknowledges the importance of physical strength and spiritual power, maintaining perspective is paramount to him. Garl vigilantly oversees cooperation among gnomes, favoring cunning and illusion over direct confrontation, though he's not averse to battle if necessary. Known for his mischievous nature, he enjoys playing tricks and is reputed to possess an extensive collection of jokes. As the Watchful Protector of the Hidden Kin, he remains vigilant against threats, intervening when needed to safeguard his people. While he typically adopts a defensive stance, he displays unwavering resolve and leadership in times of physical peril.


Contacts & Relations

Garl enjoys strong relationships with the other deities of the Gnomish Pantheon, except for Urdlen. His closest ally is Arumdina the Justifier, an intelligent two-handed battle-axe with a female persona, who acts as both his weapon and companion. Garl frequently associates with gods from other pantheons who share his outlook. He often targets the gods worshipped by beings of the Underdark with his pranks, leaving them in a state of helpless embarrassment due to their own follies. Despite his hopeful intent that these deities might learn from their mistakes, Garl has made numerous enemies, especially within the Kobold divine realm. A famous tale recounts how he fooled Kurtulmak, the lead deity of the kobolds, by pretending to be trapped, only to escape and bring down the deity's cavern on him.
The Joker;
The Watchful Protector;
The Sparkling Wit;
The Merry Maker;
Defender of the Hidden Kin;
Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Gnomes, Illusions, Traps, Wards
Protection, humor, trickery, gem cutting, Deception, Drugs
Artifice, Gnome, Good (Agathion, Angel, Archon, Azata, Friendship), Law (Angel, Inevitable, Judgement, Legislation, Loyalty), Luck, Magic, Protection (Defense, Fortifications, Imbolc, Kami, Purity, Solitude), Trickery
Gold Nugget
Adventures, bards, defending soldiers, gem cutters, gnomes, illusionists, jewelers, miners, rogues, smiths
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
“Arumdina” (battleaxe)
Holy Days
The Feast of Mirth


The Fellowship of Arumdina
This military order, closely associated with the teachings of Gaerdal Ironhand, is devoted to safeguarding Gnome communities throughout the realm. Members of this order, known as Justifiers, possess a remarkable sense of duty and are adept in defensive warfare tactics, particularly in the varied terrains where Gnome settlements thrive. They often serve as marshals, though their responsibilities are typically light due to the inherently law-abiding nature of Gnome society. Their expertise lies in combating subterranean threats like ankhegs and bulettes, employing specialized tactics honed to neutralize such dangers effectively.    
Gleaming Pranksters
The Gleaming Pranksters form a loosely connected group inspired by their deity's penchant for mischief and humor. Many traverse from town to town, entertaining commoners with their playful antics, often at the expense of the pompous and self-important. A select few among them embark on adventurous exploits, hoping to weave tales that become part of Gnome folklore, attributing legendary feats to themselves or even to Garl Glittergold. For these individuals, the measure of their success lies in the quality of the tales their deeds inspire, rather than the deeds themselves or their factual accuracy.


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