Book of Precepts Document in Theras | World Anvil

Book of Precepts

The Book of Precepts is a book that , prescribes a path to a virtuous life and a place in the Afterlife. Those who deviate from this Law face the harshest consequence – damnation. Only through The Eternal Truth can one achieve salvation.  
The Eight pillar of Righteousness:
  1. Harmony with the Weave: The Arqmati weave the fabric of reality itself. True righteousness lies in respecting this intricate tapestry and using magic responsibly, acknowledging its divine origins. Abusing magic or practicing forbidden arts is a transgression.
  3. Unwavering Devotion: Unwavering devotion to the Arqmati, the divine weavers, is paramount. They are the architects of the world, and upholding their will is the ultimate goal. This doesn't preclude acknowledging individual deities within the pantheon, but ultimately, all their power stems from the Arqmati.
  5. The Balance of Power: The Arqmati maintain the balance between order and chaos. Righteousness necessitates upholding this balance, preventing the rise of either extreme. Tyranny is anathema, but so is unchecked chaos.
  7. Respect for Creation: The Arqmati wove all of existence. Living beings are part of the divine tapestry, and respecting all life, even the seemingly insignificant, is a pillar of righteousness. wanton destruction or cruelty is a grave sin.
  9. Knowledge and Understanding: The Arqmati's weave is complex. Seeking knowledge of its intricacies, understanding the natural laws that govern the world, and applying that knowledge for good are all aspects of righteousness.
  11. Mastery Through Discipline: True power comes through discipline and honed skills, not shortcuts or forbidden pacts. Righteous individuals dedicate themselves to mastering their chosen pursuits, be it magic, art, or combat, with respect for the Arqmati's design.
  13. Community and Order: The Arqmati created a world where life could flourish. Maintaining social order, building strong communities, and upholding the law are all integral to upholding the Arqmati's vision.
  15. Vigilance Against Corruption: The weave is susceptible to corruption by malevolent forces. Righteousness demands constant vigilance against entities who seek to twist the weave for their own gain. This includes actively opposing demons, warlocks, and anyone who seeks to exploit the divine power for evil.
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