Arqmat Character in Theras | World Anvil


Arqmat was an Half Elf that according to tradition, was the visionary, whose a whole Pantheon was named after.   In 100 BB He was best known for rellying the scattered tribes of the Southern people, uniting them under one banner of resistance against the Old Ansko Empire and the once called remnants of the destroyed Menedynn Empire..   He leveraged the mastery of the southern of mounted warfare, Southern desert warriors, wielding light cavalry and deadly archery tactcics. In his fight, he utilized the support of his people, Takistani Tribes who later became the Buqmatians.   Beyond military prowess, Arqmat possessed a vision. He established the "Eternal Truth" religion, a faith built upon the "Dream of Justice and Honor". This ideology emphasized respect and cooperation among Buqmatians people. Later, he introduced the "The Oasis of Harmony", a call to action for the Southern to transform their harsh environment into a flourishing land.   He was known for his battle against The Bafigron Empire and the eventual peace treaty he signed with them, and the book of Book of Precepts, detailing The Eternal Truth.  

Importance of Arqmat in the Arqmati Pantheon and to the Southerns

Arqmat, the revered visionary leader, united Buqmat during a time of strife. He harnessed the desert people's resilience to build a prosperous nation, the "Oasis of Harmony". Founding the Eternal Truth faith, he preached the "Dream of Justice and Honor", emphasizing unity and respect. As Caliph, he modernized The Sultans of Buqmat, creating a meritocratic society that flourished as a center of trade and culture. Though gone, his legacy inspires generations to come, reminding them of the power of unity and justice to forge a better world.
136 BB 30 AB 166 years old
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