Broker Profession in Theras | World Anvil


A Broker is, in the sense of this subject, an individual who mediates between powerful individuals and adventuring groups. Though brokers can be found in virtually every social hub, they are most commonly found in capital cities. Most are powerful individuals on their own right; for example, in Panta, Peraserasia, only one person holds the position of broker at any one time, as the vast influence and power he holds allows him to immediately snuff out any competition or challenges.



The two most important traits a broker must hold are confidentiallity and resourcefullness. While other skills are helpful, one could theoretically act as a broker without negotiation skills or while being financially irresponsible.

Payment & Reimbursement

Most, if not all, brokers earn through lucrative finder fees. Since the clientele is by definition comprised of rich and influential members of society, said fees are obscenely high by most standards and allow for a very high standard of living.
Low but constant
Famous in the Field

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