Copprumm Kadrel Clan Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Copprumm Kadrel Clan

Copprumm Kadrel Clan, also known as the Copper forge clan, where it resides deep in the heart of the kingdom of Khazad-Ram lies he Copper Forge clan, known throughout the land for their expertise in all things mechanical. While the other clans focused on mining, brewing, or warfare, the Copper Forge clan worked tirelessly to develop new technologies and machines to benefit their kingdom.   Their workshops are a sight to behold, with machines whirring and steam hissing as dwarven engineers hammered away at copper, iron, and steel. They build siege weapons for the kingdom's armies, from massive trebuchets to cunning traps that could ensnare even the wiliest of foes.   But the Copper Forge clan's greatest achievements are their fortifications. They constructed walls and gates that can withstand even the fiercest of enemy attacks, and their underground tunnels and mines are protected by clever traps and hidden doorways.   The other clans of Khazad-Ram marvel at the Copper Forge clan's creations, but also fear and appreciate their power. The clan's leaders are notoriously secretive, and many suspect that they have developed technologies and weapons beyond even the imagination of the other dwarves.   But despite their fearsome reputation, the Copper Forge clan remain loyal to the kingdom, always working to ensure that the dwarven way of life would endure for generations to come. And when their machines and fortifications are put to the test in times of war, they provedtheir worth, protecting their home and their people with steadfast determination and unyielding resolve.
Founding Date
23 AB
Ruling Organization
Related Species


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