Khazad-Ram Organization in Theras | World Anvil


Khazad-Ram is the largest dwarven kingdom in Rakion, and perhaps Theras, as they encompass both the surface and the underground of their territory.   Khazad-Ram in the common tongue, mean 'Dwarf-Refuge'.


The Foundations of the Kingdom

The Dwarves people are very traditional, however, since their founding, they have come to adopt the elven style of separation of powers, however, guided under the Morndinsamman, they have a unique system:  
  • Borlarmjuvar, The High king of the mountains of Khazad-Ram. This is mostly the executive position that has holds in most areas of the kingdom and is elected and dismissed by the Zana betag.
  • Nozkron eron unroll Thrumm is the legislative body of the dwarven kingdom and composed of primarly the great 13 clans. Often described by poets and writers as the heart of politics bound by tradition and unification only for outer threats.
  • Arbutarzintabar, the Judiciary body of the Dwarven Kingdom - While each clan, city, village has its own Arbutar, the Arbutarzintabar is the highest ranking judiciary body that engulfs and contradict the lower Arbutarzintabar.
  • Zana betag, the Holy prophet of the Morndinsamman and the voice that actually maintains the balance of the seperation of powers.
  All those foundations are the examples of great dwarven mind, that many sought to copy after their success in the long run.    

The 13 Clans Great Clans of the kingdom:

  1. Bloth Hrouvnor Clan, the current ruling clan of khazad-ram and the famous blood smiths. Which are reknown with their rune crafting skills.
  2. Unrol Trumm Clan
  3. , is second and the miners and masons of the kingdom.
  4. Khro Az Clan, is the third and most militaristic clan of Khazad Ram.
  5. Unrol Amoruk Clan is the fourth and they are reknown for their brewery skills and exceptional navigational skills in the underdark.
  6. Pentusk Clan is the fifth clan of Khazad-Ram. They are known for their exceptional trading skills and their curving in bone skills.
  7. Copprumm Kadrel Clan is the sixth clan of Khazad-Ram and are mostly known for their engineering skils and secretive society.
  8. Khro Arkammar, is the seventh clan of Khazad-Ram and are mostly known as being the richest and most influential of the clans.
  9. HaefralGrav Clan, is the eighth clan of Khazad-Ram and are mostly known as the carpenters and forester of the realm.
  10. Mithrlin Kadrel Clan, is the ninth clan of Khazad-Ram and are mostly as the finest crafter of magic items in the Continent and fine gem-cutting skills and great jewelery.
  11. Varekan seekrumm Clan, is the tenth clan of Khazad-Ram and are mostly known as the educators, teachers and researchers of the kingdom.
  12. Nogaak vath Clan, is the elevnth clan of Khazad-Ram and are known as the best fighters, dwarven defenders, alchemists and also magi of the Dwarven realms.
  13. Singerth eron nakhum Clan, is the twelfth clan of Khazad-Ram and are known as the finest artisans, singers, actors of the kingdom.
  14. Zana jro Clan, is the thirteen clan of Khazad-Ram and are known as the outcasts of the dwarven society.
      It should be noted that they are innumerable clans, however, the great clans are the one who are part of the Nozkron eron unroll Thrumm and they nominate their ambassadors.
Founding Date
2955 BB
Ruling Organization
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