Council of Visors Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Council of Visors

The Council of Visors is the council that governs Donaquis and they known for the visors they are usually wearing on their faces.   The Council of Visors serves as a representative body, ensuring that the interests and concerns of different sectors of society are taken into account in the decision-making process. Through their collective wisdom, experience, and influence, the council members shape the policies, regulations, and direction of Donaquis, striving to maintain the city-state's prosperity, harmony, and progress.   The Full council is a body of usually 13 Lords, but it can go up to a number of 49 number (Usually at times of war) where only 5 of the Lords are known to the public. Only the members of the Council know each other's identity and through powerful magic, they can council themsleves.   The 5 Known lords are usually in chrage of the following offices:
  • Master of the Guilds - In charge of the Guilds and Trade - making tariffs and rules about the Trade
  • Warden of the Guards - Incharge of the City guard, City Watch
  • High Sea Commander - Incharge of the Security and trade of the Navy and trade fleet.
  • Master of Treasury - The Treasurer who oversee the budget
  • Master of the Commons - The representative The Farmers, Vassals and Artisans who are not guild members (Usually foriegners)


Donaquis is governed by a council comprised of influential figures from various merchant families, guilds, and esteemed citizens. This council collectively makes decisions and sets policies for the city-state, ensuring the smooth operation of its government.  
Becoming a Council member
The selection process for council members is a combination of merit and influence. Potential candidates are usually drawn from influential merchant families, prominent guild leaders, respected scholars, and other esteemed individuals who have made significant contributions to the city-state. The council members are chosen through a combination of nomination, review, and approval by existing council members.   The process begins with a nomination phase, where individuals who meet certain criteria, such as wealth, reputation, and expertise, are put forward as potential candidates. These nominations are then reviewed and evaluated by the current council members, who assess the candidates' qualifications, accomplishments, and alignment with the values and goals of the city-state.   After careful consideration, the council members vote to select new members from the pool of nominated candidates. The exact voting process may vary, but it typically involves a majority vote or a consensus among the existing council members. Once the candidates have been chosen and approved, they are officially inducted into the Council of Visors, assuming their roles as influential decision-makers in the governance of Donaquis.  
It should be noted that once every new year, the lords are reconfirming their positions in a secret poll, afterwards, those who don't continue to function, have their minds erased for the identities of the other lords.
Founding Date
56 BB
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