Donaquis Organization in Theras | World Anvil


Donaquis is a city-state situated north of The Majestic Kingdom of Keatis and sharing a small border with The Bafigron Empire. Despite its independence, Donaquis recognizes the influence and power of The Bafigron Empire, paying homage to avoid any potential conflicts that could disrupt its prosperity.


Donaquis boasts magnificent architectural marvels, with grand temples, opulent palaces, and sprawling market squares. The city-state is renowned for its libraries, academies, and intellectual centers, attracting scholars, sages, and wizards seeking knowledge and enlightenment. Donaquis serves as a hub for intellectual exchange, fostering innovation and learning.


Donaquis was always there for the remnants of the Menedynn, becoming a harbor city, initiating trade and paying commanders of the Old Ansko Empire for protection in the turbulent times. Even to this day, there is a contingent of Dragonborn of the Grand Empire of Arkolion that act as privateers and merceneries of Donaquis.   Donaquis had a whole district destroyed in The Gods War, totaling casualties of 13,000 people in battle with Demons that attacked The Bafigron Empire. Only in 1,023 AB, the Sovereign Imperator of Bafigorn, had repaired the damage done in this war.


In the city-state of Donaquis, the Neomen Pantheon holds prominence as the primary religious belief system. However, the presence of various other religions and deities has given rise to tensions and conflicts among the populace, particularly concerning the worship of Bahamut, Bane, Ella'li, Helios, Kord Khaziba Ioun Nyx Lune Pheistus She'eros Soryna The Raven Queen and Thea.     However, one dominant power is the church of Istishia, having an ever changing temple that shifts its location several miles and sometimes hundred of miles of Donaquis.

Foreign Relations

Donaquis maintains amicable relations with its neighboring nations, including The Majestic Kingdom of Keatis. While their allegiance lies with The Bafigron Empire, Donaquis seeks to cultivate cordial diplomatic ties with neighboring powers, promoting peaceful coexistence and mutual prosperity. They engage in trade agreements, cultural exchanges, and occasionally participate in collaborative ventures, fostering regional stability.

Trade & Transport

Donaquis stands as a shining beacon of trade, culture, and independence in the northern reaches of Rakion. Its strategic location, thriving economy, and harmonious relations with its neighbors contribute to its status as a prominent city-state in the region, attracting ambitious individuals and serving as a center of commerce and culture.   The city-state's thriving economy revolves around commerce, with bustling markets, merchant guilds, and a robust financial sector. Donaquis attracts traders, entrepreneurs, and artisans from diverse backgrounds, creating a vibrant and multicultural atmosphere.   The city is Nestled in the northern region of Rakion, Donaquis enjoys a strategic position as a prominent trade hub. Its proximity to Keatis, Sova Daris and The Bafigron Empire allows for lucrative trade routes and access to diverse markets. Donaquis boasts a large merchant fleet, which aids in establishing extensive trade networks and facilitating the flow of goods throughout the continent.
Founding Date
700 [bbc
Geopolitical, City-state
Ruling Organization
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
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