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Deity Powers

All Deities, from greater powers to demipowers, have the powers described in this section. Although these are powerful abilities, they are taken for granted by deities.
Portfolios: Every power has certain topics, things, ideas, or emotions over which it has dominion, power, and control. Powers are intimately concerned about and involved in their portfolios. Deities usually are strongest in power when acting within the bounds of their portfolios. However, the portfolios of deities can change it they die and are resurrected, another deity in theit pantheon dies, they undergo radical character shifts, or they ascend or drop in divine stature. Portfolios of an entire pantheon can undergo changes if there is a major shake-up in the pantheon— such as one or more deities of importance dying—or a great period of divine turmoil, like The Gods War.
  Within a pantheon of deities, it is important to note that more than one deity may share identical portfolio items or even identical portfolios. However, in such cases, no more than one power can ascend in stature to a higher rank than demipower.
Greater or intermediate powers can create exact imitations of the avatars of deities whom they have subsumed (usually by killing the deity they intend to masquerade as).
When a power uses a puppet avatar to appear as another deity, the avatat must behave in all of its abilities (though not necessarily its intent and mentality) as if it really were that of the deity being imitated. In addition, a power's normal avatar form cannot use the abilities of a subsumed deity's avatar itself. Avatars must act with the capabilities they were originally formed to use; if a powet wants to make a new avatar with the combined abilities, it may do so, but the differences are obvious to both its own worshipers and the old worshipers of any deity it might be imitating.
Immortality: All deities are immortal and do not age. The only way for a power to die is through special circumstances. The usual way that deities All Greater powers to Idol have the powers described here:
Teleportation: Deities possess the innate ability to instantly teleport to any point on the same plane. They can do this at will and without any chance ot error.
Initiative: When dealing with mortals, all powers automatically receive the initiative. Of course, they can choose to simply wait and see what the mortals opt to do, but they may always act first if they desire.
Communication: All deities understand and can speak any language. It is assumed that this includes written and spoken languages as well as other more unusual torms of communication such as the scent language of saurials. All powers can speak directly and secretly to any being across any void and through any physical or mystical barrier. This power transcends the bounds of space and planes, but not (as a rule) time.
Magic Use: All deities may use any spell of any level. This includes the spells of priests or wizards and does not require the use of spellbooks, prayers, or material, verbal, or somatic components. In short, invoking such powers requires the slightest act of will on the part of these incredible beings. They may also invent new spells or try to improvise spell variations at the blink ot an eye.
Immunities: It takes a +1 or better magical weapon to be able to damage a demipower or lesser power, a +2 or better magical weapon to be able to damage an intermediate power, and a +3 or better magical weapon to be able to damage a greater power. All powers are immune to any sort of magic that would automatically kill them if they fail a saving throw (such as when a saving throw vs. death magic or die or other saving throws to the same effect is required), that would instantly kill them with no saving throw, that would disintegrate them, or that would drain energy or life levels. They are immune to the powers of all glyphs and symbols, which do nothing to them except attract their attention. They are also immune to all psionic abilities not practiced by a divine being, and even then they are immune to psionic abilities used by deities of lower rank than themselves.
Granted Abilities: Powers can grant any ability or spell of any level to their priests that does not exceed their own capabilities. It is through this ability that deities give priests, paladins, and rangers their magical powers and spells. Note that only powers and other creatures ot quasidivine status (such as tanar'ri lords) can grant spells.

Additional Rules:

  • A deity gains their respective divine power from two intertwined sources:
    1. The merit of their effect and influence over the relevant portfolio
    2. The worship of their respective worshippers and relevant acts in general
  • It should be mentioned One deity can hold multiple portfolios, its power level is defined by the total power gained by their control of their portfolios.
  • One deity can hold multiple portfolios, its power level is defined by the total power gained by their control of their portfolios.
  • Race Portfolios and the deity holding them is getting stronger or weaker by the number of creatures and their natural afleunce.
  • Aspects are the embodiment of a deity based on the territorial and cultural understanding of the portfolio. Aspects may also be an amalgam of two deities, either by choice or by force.

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