Greater Power Rank/Title in Theras | World Anvil

Greater Power

In addition to the abilities detailed in Deity Powers, greater powers can do practically anything. They stand at the top of the pyramid of deific power, and their resources are nearly limitless. Some of their additional abilities include:
Shapeshifting: Greater powers can transform themselves into any object, animate or inanimate, of any size. In some cases, beings of this stature have been known to assume planetary proportions. Magic Resistance: Greater powers are 100% resistant to mortal magics, 75% resistant to the magic of deities of lesser ranks, and 50% resistant to the spells of other greater powers.
Sensing Ability: These beings are practically omniscient. They always know what is happening on the entire plane they inhabit and the planes that any of their or their allies' worshipers or holy objects are currently on. They also know what is happening on the plane that anyone or anything that speaks one of their names or titles is on for a year after the name is spoken. In many cases, they can accurately predict the precise actions of mortals and other deities based on their vast knowledge. Unfortunately, this sensing ability can be blocked by the conscious effort of powers of equal statute.
Creation: Greater powers can create any object, animate or inanimate, they can think of. This process is draining, however, since they are converting their own energy stores into physical objects. Therefore, the deity must rest fot one turn per ton of mass she or he wishes to manifest. Thus, the creation of a 10-ton stone statue would require that the deity rest for 10 turns (100 minutes) afterward.
Life and Death: Greater powers can kill any living mortal creature with but a thought. Likewise, they can bestow life upon any slain mortal being anywhere. Of course, another greater god can reverse this effect immediately if so desired.
Multitasks: Greater powers can perform any number of tasks at once. Of course, natural limitations based on their current physical form may apply, but there is never a penalty on their actions due to complexity.
Avatars: Greater powers can employ up to 10 avatars at a time, moving them between planes at will. If one is destroyed, they tequite one day to make another.  

Additional Rules for Greater Powers

  • Greater Portfolios are Exclusive- there can only be one greater deity incharge of one portfolio.
  • The Greater Deities are greater since they are the most powerful in one of their portfolios. They can share portfolios with other gods, but they won’t be the greatest gods in that respective portfolio.
  • Time and Magic Portfolios can never be gained Supremacy, though some claims Chronepsis has a total domain over it and Ervenius had once domain over the Magic Portfolio


Rank 16–20: Called greater deities, these entities may have millions of mortal worshipers, and they command respect even among other deities. The most powerful of greater deities rule over other deities just as mortal sovereigns rule over commoners.


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