Demesne of Asybinsera Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Demesne of Asybinsera

The Demesne of Asybinsera was an elven demesne in Epeoris. Centered around the grand city of Asybinsera in the The Rgai steppes and extending across the North Sea into the shores of The Gray Ocean, it was considered to be the most stable of all the elven demesnes; its fall is seen as the start of the three centuries long ending of elven supremacy on the continent.


The fall of Asybinsera, though not as swift as the fall of the demesnes in The Elder's War, had arguably a larger impact on the continent. Unlike The Ashen Shore, where elven demesnes were destroyed by dragons, or in the Eldar's War, where Agustin Andor, a demigod, fought against mortal elves, Asybinsera fell by the hands of mere men, a feat that was utterly inconceivable at the time. Furthermore, its fall paved the way for The First Human Kingdom in Epeoris, the Kingdom of Lustiris.

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