Dhemir Character in Theras | World Anvil

Dhemir (D-he-Mir)

Dhemir leads you through the shadows, fends off malevolent denizens lurking in the darkness, and occasionally unveils valuable treasures to those who dare to explore the depths.
— A common Dhemirian sermon
  Dhemir is the primary deity of the Underdark, presiding over caverns and dungeons. During the fall of Menedynn Empire, he not only survived the onslaught but also engaged in a fierce conflict with the goddess Nyx, who was considerably weakened during that tumultuous period. The goddess of the Night, Nyx, eventually emerged victorious in the war during the Era of Upheaval. The exact date of Dhemir's demise remains shrouded in mystery, as Nyx assumed his mantle and presented herself as him until the faith in Dhemir had nearly faded into obscurity.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Dhemir remains a prominent deity in Aradi-Al-Nar and Balikhan, though not necessarily the strongest. His diverse following includes adventurers, those affiliated with the underdark, escaped slaves, and even some shulks. He is a guardian, watching over his followers and protecting them from the perils of dark places, particularly the Underdark. Whispers abound that he aids those who venture underground in their hour of need.   In a surprising turn of events, a beholder city with a long history of secret slave worship has even begun to tolerate the veneration of Dhemir among its captive population.      
On nights cloaked in impenetrable cloud and a new moon, when the surface world is plunged into absolute darkness, the Dhemiran faithful enact a somber ceremony known as the Foreshadowing. Beginning at the stroke of midnight, they gather to celebrate Dhemir's promise – a future where both the world above and the Underdark will be consumed by eternal darkness.   Long before his demise, Dhemir bestowed upon his most devoted followers a secret – potent transformation spells and specific breeding techniques. These faithful used this knowledge to develop the Dhemirian spell. Through this intricate magic, fire lizard eggs were transformed into the fearsome Lurkers in Darkness. These creatures, however, lacked the inherent ability to reproduce, consistently reverting to their fire lizard form with each generation. With the unexpected rise of Nyx, however, the situation changed dramatically. Now basking in Nyx's favor, the Dhemirian spell now allows the Lurkers in Darkness to breed true. This development has sparked a surge of excitement among the clergy, who now witness a steadily increasing population of these modified creatures. Given the high cost of the Dhemirian spell's components, the breeding capability of the Lurkers in Darkness removes the need for continued spellcasting, ensuring their continued presence as long as they can reproduce naturally.  
Ahd Dam Dhimir
All senior priests of Dhemir ascend through a crucial ceremony known as Ahd Dam Dhimir, This sacred rite, performed by the temple leader, involves the supplicant ingesting Dhemirian blood. The effects are immediate – overlapping patches of scales, reminiscent of Dhemir's own, manifest on the priest's body, covering their wrists, forearms, chest, back, and legs. This transformation grants exceptional natural armor, bolstering the priest's resilience in the treacherous Underdark. However, it comes at a cost – a noticeable reduction in their natural charisma.  
Offerings and Tithes
All followers of Dhemir demonstrate their devotion through a variety of offerings. When traversing the Underdark, they toss a copper piece into any crossed pit they encounter – a gesture of thanks for safe passage. Additionally, if a follower believes they have witnessed one of Dhemir's signs in a nearby hole or crevice, an offering is made there as well. For priests, the dedication intensifies as they advance in power. Upon reaching a new level of power, a priest undergoes a mandatory tithe – irretrievably throwing a tenth of their wealth into a deep pit, a symbolic gesture of unwavering devotion to their deity.

Tenets of Faith

Dogma of the faith
  • True liberation lies within the embrace of perfect darkness. Here, you find independence, individuality, and freedom from the judgmental gaze of others. Dhemir protects and guides you on these shadowed paths.
  • The Underdark is as vital as the surface world. Its darkness is not a curse, but a redeeming quality. It liberates intelligent beings from the monotony of the day-night cycle, offering a realm of endless variety to be experienced through touch, a sense lost on those who rely solely on sight. In darkness, there is no inherent evil, nor good – such judgments are frivolous and personal.
  • Dhemir drives away those who seek to harm his children, his devoted followers. He reveals great treasures to those who venture into the depths with courage and faith. Remain steadfast in your devotion, and Dhemir will stand by you.
  • Dhemir's clergy carries his message to the downtrodden of the surface world and to those who brave the Underdark. Many priests walk the path of adventurers themselves, while others serve as guides and companions.
  • Dhemir's faithful celebrate the darkness by venturing into the Underdark alone. This practice, while fostering a deep connection to the deity, results in a high mortality rate among lower-ranking priests. Wiser followers venture forth in groups, honing their skills and acquiring the power to navigate the treacherous depths in solitude.


Obsidian Passage
The Dhemiran faithful observe a single, significant holy day known as the Obsidian Passage. Celebrated each Midwinter's Eve, it marks their liberation from the drow and the oppressive darkness of Lolth. The Obsidian Passage is a night of symbolic defiance and a celebration of Dhemir's protective power. Ceremonies often involve the sacrifice of a creature closely associated with Lolth or the drow, such as a monstrous spider. This offering serves as a potent symbol of their emancipation.   Following the sacrifice, Dhemir's faithful embark on a unique ritual known as Chains of Shadow. Clerics cast a series of "dark path" spells, creating long, interconnected chains of magical darkness. The faithful then navigate the Underdark without light sources, placing complete trust in Dhemir to guide them safely through the perilous depths. This act demonstrates their faith in their god's protection and their mastery of the darkness they once feared.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Dhemir exuded an atmosphere of somberness, obscurity, and ancient epochs, often expressing intense emotions through subtle movements like flicking his tongue or blinking rapidly. The Skulker frequently underwent transformations, but typically manifested as a humanoid figure ranging from 6 to 16 feet in height, fashioned from black and gray stone smoothed by the passage of time and harsh winds. In this form, its only discernible facial features were glowing eye patches resembling cool magma amid the darkness. It could easily be mistaken for a stone golem or earth elemental. Alternatively, the Skulker might take the appearance of a towering, muscular Human with rugged features as recognized by the natives of Buqmat, or adopt the likeness of a stony, roper-like creature known to the drow. Regardless of its form, the Skulker preferred to lurk within pitch-black environments, visible solely by the illumination of its eyes, either aiding or obstructing through whispered voices in the darkness.    
Dhemir's manifestations often manifested as auditory phenomena, such as footsteps echoing around corners, the sound of breathing mistaken for wind gusts within the caverns, dripping water especially prevalent in dry subterranean regions, or cave-ins from which discernible words and phrases could be deciphered amidst the rumbling. Many adventurers remained unaware of his assistance, unknowingly guided to safety or their destination by following peculiar natural signs, such as warm patches along tunnel walls briefly visible through infravision. Nyx employed similar subtle signals as Dhemir to warn her high-ranking priests.

Personality Characteristics


Dhemir, known for his cunning whether assisting or obstructing, possessed a reserved and brooding demeanor, characteristics emphasized by Nyx whenever she adopted his form. Despite his taciturn nature, he was not indifferent to the plight of his followers; rather, he remained restless, always driven to roam and explore the depths of the Underdark, relentlessly pursuing those who threatened his devotees. However, while Dhemir readily provided aid and guidance to his faithful in times of peril, he often disregarded them once they reached safety. This perceived neglect was believed to have weakened his influence over time and contributed to his eventual demise.
The Cloaked Guardian;
The King of Unseen Paths;
The Silent Authority;
Divine Classification
Lesser Power and Aspect of Nyx
Chaotic Neutral
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Caverns, dungeons, skulks
Darkness (Loss, Shadow), Madness (Truth), Trickery (Ambush, Deception), Protection (Defense, Solitude), Void (Dark Tapestry, Isolation)
Cavern silouted under the moon
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Holy Days
Obsidian Passage


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