Menedynn Empire Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Menedynn Empire

The Menedynn Empire is a name that everyone know, even on the far edges of the map. The Menedynn Empire was composed of the Menedynn people, who were known for many years.


Pre-Empire Form
The Humans of the world were divided into two groups mostly, the Narsilians and the Menedynn.   The first accounts tell us that Sin-baladan, a human chieftain from Moderlant, had encountered many issues with the neighboring races and as thus, he had a dream to unite the humans as they were subject to many atrocities. The lost records, that the elves provided, entail a story of how Sin-Baladan, contacted the Eldar races and had formed an alliance with the Sehan Elves and High Elves, called the Ingol Studime. With those studies, the Menedynn has begun expanding, until forming the Menedynn Empire..  
  Empire Era
The Life in the Empire were not simple, as every male in the empire had to contribute 10 years of his life in service to the Empire, be it militarily or via Poll tax.   Thankfully, the life in the empire were relatively safe, as the Menedynn Empire had constructed several roads that people are still using today or even dug many trade routes in the underdark for passage with the aid of the dwarves or even without them.   However, the greatest achievement that the Menedynn Empire is known for today, are the flying cities of Sabium lendavad linnad. Many sages consider the arcane knowledge and artifacts left by the Menedynn Empire, the greatest possessions that collectors can have.   During this period and in the year 7,045 BB, the Emperess Aruru broke the Ingol Studime accord and waged war on the elven lands after having secured a truce with the Old Ansko Empire. This war accumulated and the elves were totally caught by surprise, losing most of their fleets and lands under the Sabium lendavad linnad bombardments, thus the elves had lost their superioty and have signed a treaty with the Narsilians that had joined them in their defensive lines, only to barely stopped the Empire at Thunder Forest.  
A flag of the Menedynn Empire, dated to the 7th millennium BB, in a well preserved state. Notice the flying city above and the winged lions below.

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