Domiel Character in Theras | World Anvil

Domiel (DOH-mee-ehl)

Domiel, the Mercy-Bringer, is a member of the Celestial Hebdomad and ruler of Mercuria, the Golden Heaven of Mount Celestia. His symbol is the ox.   Domiel is a sworn enemy to evil tyrants. As defender and ruler of Mercuria, he also swore an oath to protect its great mausoleums.   In the Realms, some lawful good clerics dedicate themselves to Domiel's cause While he could not grant spells directly, he would petition their patron deity to grant them access to unique spells and an ability to smite evil foes with greater force.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Domiel is a muscular tome archon standing twelve feet (3.7 meters) tall. He has massive, golden-feathered wings. His skin and eyes are also gold, but he has black hair. His eyes glowed like suns.   Domiel is sexless but had handsome masculine features. He never wear armor and goes bare-chested.

Special abilities

Domiel has all of the powers common to tome archons. In addition to these, unique magical abilities are available to him. He can detect chaos and see any creature as they truly were. By thought alone, he can consecrate an area with positive energy, illuminate an area with a light as bright as day, surround his head with a flaming crown of brilliance so bright to blind foes, dispel all but the most powerful magical effects, make a site holy, instill hope in subjects within range, send a short message to an individual anywhere in the multiverse, defend himself with a mystical shield, fill an evil creature with intense feelings of remorse, entrap an evil creature in light, and grant a subject a vision of the Seven Heavens. With a single, spoken holy word or touch of his finger, he can slay or banish wicked beings, and he could whisper messages to recipients at a distance.   Once per day, Domiel can perform a miracle. He was also immune to all death magics.

Specialized Equipment

Domiel's personal weapon isa magnificent holy flaming greatsword.   Domiel rulesfrom an enormous golden tower called Aurilon, the Golden Spire.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Domiel became one of the seven tome archons sometime after during the God's War, using one of the dating schemes of the Prime.[1] It is not known whether his predecessor, Terxyx, was destroyed by powerful forces of evil or promoted to another state as an aasimon.

Personality Characteristics


Domiel is perceived as stern yet full of wisdom.


Contacts & Relations

One of Domiel's champions is Thraemeus, a hound archon who favored archery.[2]
Divine Classification
Demi Power
Ruled Locations


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