Mercuria Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil


Mercuria, also known as the Golden Heaven, is the second layer of Mount Celestia. It is the location of the divine realms of She'eros, as well as the main location of the mobile realm of Bahamut.   The air in Mercuria is very thin, which can make unaccustomed creatures dizzy until their bodies adapt to it. The mountainous landscape includ high mountains and deep valleys, carved by rivers that ran fast down the gentle slopes. Although flatlands and prairies are uncommon, Mercuria have several high plateaus on which most settlements are located. The entire layer is constantly bathed in golden light.   The layer also serve as the armory of Mount Celestia, as well as the gathering place for its troops. It is also the site of numerous mausoleums dedicated to fallen noble warriors. Their memory is honored annually during the Day of Memory by all inhabitants of Mercuria.  
The ruler of Mercuria is Domiel, one of the celestial paragons of the archons.
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